Yep and some of these breathing medicines are full of steroids lowering the immune system making you at risk. Be real careful not to get this one. Don’t even go to the store. No where. Watch who visits and down for now. The abdomen pushed back on the diaphragm which controls your breathing as you know if you ever got the breath knocked out of you. Never take a cough suppressant. Decongestant that isn’t contrary to asthma only.
goldielocks, Amals
I concur with the recliner idea to get proper sleep with breathing difficulties. I have always been a summer time asthmatic but about 12 years ago, I got a heavy chest cold that made it hard to breath. The cold went away but the breathing symptoms remain. I use the Ventolin inhaler which helps a lot, and sleep in a reclining chair ever since. Being flat in bed causes need for more Ventolin, and who needs more medicine so the chair is the savior for now. Allergies to dust, mold, grass etc and various foods and drink (alcohol, coffee) determine what kind of a nights sleep I get. The more congestion, the more upright the chair needs to be.
It’s okay to rest but not all day. You have to move around. People get pneumonia from laying down being sick not the other way around not all but many times. If your lungs are filling with fluid they’re inflamed can get it anyway but you put yourself more at risk from not moving around. That’s why in post Op or other circumstances they make them move or cough. Fluid build up sitting in your lungs can build up to bacterial pneumonia. Then there is viral pneumonia but also can cause fluid buildup.
Most adults will move around in bed get up of anything to go to the bathroom but some will just lay there on their back all day. You have to watch children too and monitor their breathing. You can hear it in a stethoscope but non medical should be instructed what to look for.
If you having trouble breathing reclining makes it easier to breath no matter the age. To keep the congestion away with medicine can help you breath but also help prevent pneumonia.
This is casual texting so hope it makes sense.
Ps not recline but recliner Er or being proper up. Laying flat makes it worse.
Thanks Captain
Thought it would be low, but of course not sure. Hopefully the race to $50 is on then.
Guessing you probably don’t buy the idea that JPM is sitting on 700M oz. then?
Can’t imagine they have enough shorts they need to protect, especially based on your OI numbers.
Seems to me silver is kept low because of its ever rising industrial uses. If it were to explode as it should, it would be highly inflationary?
When oh when are these CC cretins going to be forced to accept the laws of physics and not the dreams of stoners.
Fast-Charging Stations Damage Tesla Car Batteries After Just 25 Cycles, New Study Shows
This should be no surprise…the only surprise is that anyone believed fast chargers made sense.
Parts of 12:48 @The Great Dollar Shortage @The crisis will accelerate the collapse of the dollar HUH?? HUH??
If there is a shortage, of dollars they will gain value. Deflation right? But story said the crisis will collapse the dollars value??? Inflation?? right? They say after every massive inflation, comes a deflation. The so called inflation caused wages 1970 to 1980, led to use of cheaper foreign labor and a deflation in real wages 1980 to present. (Deflation also in commodities 1980 to 2001.) This is why the bone heads are falling over each other promoting higher wage levels
This reminds me of the movie Catch Me If You Can with Leonardo Decaprio. He met his new girlfriends father Martin Sheen whos daughter claimed her new boyfriend was both a Doctor AND a lawyer. 🙂
If you believe everything is in reverse? Globalization age of travel etc? Well the US Dollar lost 95% of its value since 1913. A long term stealth hyperinflation. An invisible inflation? Invisible loss of value??
If you come from India and work at a gas station, for three months, you can save up enough to go back home a buy a new car cash. If you work here for a year and save money? You can go back home and buy a house cash. $6,000 US for a house. If you retire therewith $100k you can live in a 5 star hotel. I used to chat with the two Indians running the Getty station. 🙂
Bottom line. The Dollar has been good for foreigners and bad for Americans. We can’t go anywhere and work for a year come home and buy a house cash. So if the “reversal” takes place? The Dollar will become very good for Americans and bad for foreigners.
I might be wrong on this, but I think this virus thing is looking like it’s 1000 times bigger than the
“Weapons Of Mass Destruction” story.
And remember flight 800? Fuel Tank explosion? The CIA had to make a little documentary for prime time TV, showing the nose breaking off a 747, and then shows the 747 GAINING altitude??? To explain flames seen going upward like a rocket.
Talk to some pilots and ask them if a lumbering jet trying to gain altitude with a ROUNDED nose will climb after the nose breaks off? It would be like a parachute in front.
The earliest reports within minutes of the explosion on local channel 12 news, they were interviewing people near the water having bar b qs, that all said they thought it was fireworks. Re flames going upward at an angle.
The earliest new reports are always the best before they get cleaned up a little.
Buygold @ 14:30
Ya that’s low. Last time it bottomed in this area was in 2010 right before silver took off to $50.
It bottomed at 135K and did not rise because the bankers were to scared to short it. The reason they are too scared right now is because their is literally no physical around a la the refiners being closed, among other reasons like the most profound debasement of the $ (all currencies) ever.
Nothing important or anything. Chuckle
Of course that’s why they must hide it — which is why stocks are bid — and PM’s are suppressed.
As I wrote many moons ago…silver is the bankers whipping boy…so they have defaulted to the usual script today.
Only thing is…with all the margin increases and OI down on Comex silver behind us…they can play this game for a while but they are not in Kansas anymore.
They are in stinky New Jerk.
Hey Captain
I mentioned before that I don’t follow the OI. So, is 150K low or high for silver and what/why is that significant?
Help a brother out here. ??
Maddog @ 13:43
Ya I don’t think they win this time with OI on Comex silver below a 150k now.
It’s a ticking time bomb.
mruk @ 13:18
No kidding. What I am saying is with stocks up bigly and gold looking like it wants to explode higher, how do these effers think nobody is going to notice silver should be going through the roof.
I just wanted to point that out in real time because maybe they are stupid enough to think it goes unnoticed like their corona hoax.
Thanks for the reply. The part about lying down and resting making him worse is what concerned me; that’s what we’re always told to do when sick with cold or flu. I guess it’s different with pneumonia or pneumonia-like conditions. Does that imply it’s better to rest or even sleep sitting in a recliner, say, rather than lying prone?
Shares have been pretty volatile today
Funny how they tend to be tied more to silver than gold at times.
Maddog – I missed that $13.06 print on SSRM, it’s come back a bit after running from $11 to almost $15 in a couple of days. I’ll take a stab at $13 if it gets there again.
No doubt it’s the bankers sitting on silver – always has been.
Maybe this stuff will cut loose when the Demonrats approve the $2 trillion stimulus
Captain Hook
Of course it is the Banksters, selling silver…look at SSRM today down near 7 % .
My guess is that JPM knows the Fed will stomp all over Gold, they probably do the Biz, so instead of just joining in on Gold, they are shorting Silver as well, to make even more…
So this rally in PM’s is just another chance to short…..however they never foresaw this virus, where the supply dries up just as a demand increases massively… I get the strong sensation that there is a whale taking them on, who has no fear and cannot be scared off. Keep an eye on Palladium…and wonder at how it has bounced back.
I have a windows 10 too out of practice don’t use it.
There is something where the lungs look like glass on a X-ray but that’s another story.
I’m guessing he’s talking about the pain when breathing.
This is the reason they need more vapotherms or similar equipment like heated high flow cannulas for those a step way from respirators as as long as they can breath on their own are better off . Even then can be tough but have some control including able to cough and sats as well as their ability to breath have to be watched andcO2 levels need adjusting.
Won’t get too much into that.
I’m guessing since long distance what he was talking about in resting is that they get so bad any movement can drop the oxygen plus pain factor he felt better at rest. BUT while laying there his lungs were filling up with fluids slowly drowning him. They were getting him to move around and probably to cough.
This is why it’s so dangerous for people with pre existing lung issues, cardiac and more.
He shouldn’t of been released until he had home care. Even a visiting nurse wasn’t enough less he had someone there 24/7.
They can’t afford to send him to a rehab hospital I’m guessing due to spreading it and they usually don’t or just don’t have negative pressure vent systems so the air he breaths don’t wind up in someone else’s room, So they probably need the bed but have to figure out where he can go.
Captain Hook
They have been caught, but the very same entities are the enforcers of supposed punishment!
If silver is just an industrial commodity…
…that is tied to the general market/economy…then why the f is it being sold constantly with the SPX up 120…and why are the shares down and trading like it’s ‘whack a mole’ time again (with the SPX up 120)?
I can only think of one answer.
It the POS bankers again…painting the tape.
Hope they get caught bigly.
Cheers all
Dollar shortage? Dollar collapse? doesn’t this guy look at the futures price of the $ the past 3 days?
The Great Dollar Shortage
It worked! Thanks a lot.
Not fear-mongering, but more information to consider…
This guy’s story is sobering. Laying down and resting made it worse. Any medical people want to comment? Goldi, what do you think about this?
Hee! Hee! I tolja OILYER TOAY-!! Wanna see a REAL crash? Just look at the HUI and this with the $ down a YUGE .1295
and breaking the all important 1.00 level–this has reversed the bull breakout- I AM BUYING WITH ALL 3 HANDS
It’s an ill wind which blows nobody any good
Saudi Arabia accepts UN call for coronavirus ceasefire in Yemen – reports
re: Recent Fed Actions
Go long wheelbarrows!
Tepper was hailed as a genius cause he bought the bottom in 2008–when asked how he did it
he said “simple, the FED told me to buy”…same deal now, the FED is covering all bases…so I don’t even expect a quick retest of the lows
“Made in China” D’oh!
China Just Sent 150,000 Test Kits To Prague And 80% Of Them Didn’t Work