If it’s starts to spread there any you think your exposed. Drink hot drinks gargle with antiseptics as well as your other regime as it can hang out in your throat before it gets to your lungs. Change cloths if you go to the store or public place when you get back and jump in the shower.
If you get the bad form of it know a fever high or low probably won’t go away and you might think you have bronchitis.
If you or anyone gets to that stage they need to visit a doctor or urgent care and check out their lungs as well as test. It can quickly morph into coughing and what you think is bronchitis to pneumonia and from there respiratory failure fast with out medicine and oxygen. And that’s with a healthy person with no preexisting conditions.
Hawaii Case Load now 72
55 in Honolulu
Now 5 on my Big Island.
R640 – yeah, they hit the shares again
I guess this will be the new norm for awhile until silver gets rolling again.
BTW- I see silver is up 2% in the AH tonight, we’ll see if it holds overnight.
Not sure the SM needs to go up for pm’s to go down anymore. Not sure what should be an impediment to pm’s going up based on the Fed’s latest “fire up the printing presses move” today, but I suppose we’ll be subject to the power of the futures market shortly.
Tomorrow is a new day. We’ll see.
Well the grubberment of Denver
just reversed this probationary tactic, dumb bastards to think that would have flown
To the pitchforks! 🙂
I think CA left their dispensaries open … and WA too … although Inslee is speaking in half an hour …
Yes Ipso
dispensaries too
eeos @ 18:44
Now they’re really trodding on our rights!
In Denver our mayor is closing liquor stores in two days
The lines are blocks long. What are homeless people going to do, go straight into Detox? It will kill lots of them.
Muni Bonds, eh?
“Fed purchase of municipal bonds is unprecedented,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s. “They didn’t go that far in the financial crisis. It illustrates the severe stress on credit markets, and how aggressive and creative the Fed needs to be to keep credit flowing.”
From Murph tonite.
James Mc…
The Weimar move
If there were any semblance of a free market gold and silver would be acting like there is no tomorrow. That’s because with what has happened over just the last 24 hours there IS no tomorrow for paper currencies. The biggest monetary experiment in the history of the world just got unleashed. Infinite money in 2020 is VASTLY different than the Weimar version, or any other historic hyperinflationary times. If anybody doubts my assessment the following headlines prove I’m right.
In Unprecedented Move, Fed Unveils Open-Ended QE Including Corporate Bonds
Unprecedented Intervention: The Fed Will Purchase $125 Billion In Securities Every Day
Kashkari Says Fed Has “Infinite” Amount Of Cash: “We Create It Electronically”
BofA Calls For “War-Time Measures”, Urges Near- Total Fed Takeover Of Capital Markets
The Fed Is Now Buying Investment Grade Bond ETFs Like LQD
The dislocation of the $1.5 quadrillion derivatives markets alone is troubling enough. If even 10% of that needs papered over you’re looking at $150 trillion. The cascading defaults, and financial cross contaminations have to be gigantic.
With Friday’s 13,334 gold EFP’s it brings the 18 day total to a whopping 317,863 EFP’s, well over half of the entire current open interest. That 952 TONS, at a notional value of $48.5 billion, in very short order. Now how many tons are in the GLD? I wouldn’t want to be invested in ANY alleged gold-baked vehicle such as GLD. They are desperate, and will invoke some obscure clause buried in the prospectus to screw investors. These EFP’s are imo real, and getting done.
What would the HUI be if gold was $10k and no offer? Gold and silver put in some late pops late Friday afternoon, calmed down, and then exploded this morning on this news:
Fed announces unlimited QE and sets up several new lending programs
So who’s selling PM shares at the end of the day. Round up the usual suspects …
Newest virus victim in Thurston County 20 years old. 11 infected so far.
I use the Google Chrome browser on my PC.
Buygold–shares got bombed pretty good the last 20 minutes…not as bad as that massacre last week
in the last 10 minutes of trade
I can’t believe I got stopped out of my JNUG this last 1/2 hr…I made about $5500 on the day…and my intention was to keep my shares….but the late day massacre of last week made me put a stop and I’m glad I did….
O. yeah! another think that I didn’t like was the dollar coming back so far…so if gold runs true to form, it could really get smacked tonight and tomorrow
GDX hit for 6.3 % in last 20 mins….classic scum trick
This is what represents the the ultimate in High Finance….print like a drunken Weimar banker and sell hell out of the PM’s…for that u get paid a fortune and worshipped non stop by Fall st …..it’s just a thieves charter.
Gold shud be up $ 500 not 50, with damn all offers.
Geez, Dow SnP Just Can’t Get A Break
Maybe its for the best. The quicker they hit rock bottom, the sooner they can start climbing. No Chinese Water Torcher like us gold guys always put up with. But we can handle that, we’re men.:)
I’m just surprised the pm shares are holding up as well as they are considering the SM carnage with the DOW down 900.
I hope Ballinger is right. If so, pm shares will be ripping higher.
2 people I know have it, both recovering well.
neither very bad symptoms, both had nasty coughs and felt really bad, but on the road back now.
According to our medics, if u have it u only have to wait 1 week afterwards, before u can mix with people again.
What’s happening with silver is pathetic. I got my last order pretty far fast though. I was surprised.
Right now especially equities are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the demos to get it together with the repubs agree on a package for the economy. If they don’t get hospitals in order and roll out what hospitals and people need now to shed some light at the end of a tunnel how much good is it gonna do?
I hope gold can close with its gains, the publicity may draw in more hedge fund/institutional money tonight and tomorrow
I just got this from my good buddy Mike Ballinger
You might think this is funny but the medical didn’t. My old school doctor that doesn’t need computers to diagnose or tell him what to do had to hire a computer tech to do all the regs on computers including referrals because they are so complicated now. I saw it and it was because one page could have a bunch of stuff on it and you had to choose what to open. He didn’t have time for that. I know two other private doctors I worked with patients with once that were telling me they had to buy all this equipment and hire more help. Since I was getting out hinting to me but was the last person they needed working computers but felt for them I couldn’t help them but would of been a nice semi retirement job. A hospital tried the same and said no way. They finally said forget it and closed down just work straight out of hospitals now.
Corporates for profit bankrupting private practice.
Only good thing was me having to help new or foreign nurses read doctors writing or push them to call and clarify not guess.
I’m NOT a computer person. I have no real interest in them other than for basic needs. I’m going to give my Apple lapto way to one of my grandkids cus I don’t use it. Suppose I could watch DVDs what ever on it. When they came into hospitals nurses hated them. Just took more time away from us. At first there wasn’t enough so you had to wait for others. Only good thing is your charting can’t turn up missing.