Ten yr. rose to 1.27% today with the SM getting crushed?
Makes no sense. The world must be dumping bonds en masse, hence the rising USD.
Not supposed to happen this way. Even bigger trouble on the way if this continues.
Ten yr. rose to 1.27% today with the SM getting crushed?
Makes no sense. The world must be dumping bonds en masse, hence the rising USD.
Not supposed to happen this way. Even bigger trouble on the way if this continues.
Trailer trucks outside the Charmin plant in PA.
Yes the truth will come out in the next few weeks. Is it a hoax or not? We just have to wait a bit.
I’ll check out the videos. Thanks
re: silver price. Yep the futures exchanges are the only place on the planet where silver is $12. Seems like some big entities could cause a problem if they demanded delivery. Crimex would likely default and pay in cash instead.
Good article. If our hospital system gets overwhelmed in the new few weeks, it will be hard for anyone to label this situation a “hoax”.
Have you looked at Chris Martinson’s videos? He publishes a YouTube update just about daily, and is science based just as Mike Adams is. I think you would like them.
I edited my 14:25 post (which was a reply to you) because I had the time stamp wrong in the original post. It should make much more sense now.
Ipso – the only place silver is under $12 is at the Crimex – nowhere else on the planet can it be found for that. I used to scoff at guys that claimed the paper market didn’t set the price. No longer.
Hook – Problem, Reaction, Solution – IMHO , this is the cover for the great reset we’ve been hearing about for a couple of decades now – all to “save us”
Mr. Copper – “cash is King” for now. A few months from now, cash will be trash and gold will resume the throne. JMHO
R640 – Gold a moon shot like Tesla – no doubt about it in my mind. Paper is the only thing holding us back right now.
Thanks for the Corbett report video. Spooky, but we know it is probably accurate, we will know soon. Could the masters of the universe be going after guns and ammo, calling down martial law and getting rid of cash all at once? These have been forecast for some time. I viewed a Corbett from a post from yesterday that I have lost somehow, where James Corbett likened the climate change agenda to this virus debacle. It is interesting to note that they couldn’t get much traction for climate change for as long as it has been an issue, but the response to this virus is off the charts. The former did not affect an individual right now, but the latter is freaking us all out today. They have found the key. They have pushed our “right button”. Unfortunately we are training the rats how to lead us into the abyss. Human nature is very self-interested and climate change doesn’t measure up like our immediate fear of dying from a pandemic. They will know what to do in future whenever they have a new objective – make it personal.
Pro-Trump publishers and pundits go “full FLAT EARTH” with cult-like denialism of the coronavirus, claiming it’s a “hoax” and “no worse than the flu”
(Natural News) Thanks to a coordinated right-wing media disinformation campaign that has spread bad ideas faster than the Wuhan coronavirus itself, we have now arrived at a point in America where many prominent pro-Trump publishers, pundits and thought leaders have devolved into something resembling a suicide cult of mathematically illiterate “Flat Earth” deniers of biological reality. It’s truly horrifying to watch.
All over conservative media the last day or two, we hear prominent voices calling the coronavirus a “hoax” (Ron Paul), a “sham” (Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit), a “no worse than the flu” scenario (Rush Limbaugh), a “false flag” operation or a “fake science” event that’s rooted only in mass hysteria and nothing else. Joe Hoft, a guest on InfoWars earlier today, claims that the coronavirus has a lower fatality rate than the regular flu, and he says the whole thing is a “sham.” (I’ve dismantled his bad math in this article.)
Showcasing their science illiteracy, conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh claim the entire coronavirus “hysteria” is nothing but left-wing media hype engineered to harm Trump. Rush Limbaugh is the same radio host who claims that Leftists are morons for thinking that biology isn’t real, thanks to their transgenderism beliefs. But when Rush doesn’t want a virus to be real, he wishes it away in precisely the same twisted fashion. Biology is only real when it serves his political purposes, it seems. In other words, it’s selective biological realism, not universal biological realism.
Meanwhile, celebrity doctor Dr. Drew continues to claim the coronavirus pandemic is no worse than the flu. Yes, seriously, people are still saying that, but only in America. Nowhere else in the world are large portions of the population dumbed down enough to think the coronavirus is some sort of elaborate global hoax.
Just remember: Even if you manage to survive the pandemic, you still have to survive the STUPID.
By the way, even the New York Times can do basic math, and this graphic from their site shows that if just 30% of the American people get infected with the coronavirus, a 2% case fatality rate results in two million deaths:
QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong!
About the bank holiday in Europe that may upcoming shortly, what´s your thought about people who hoarding the cash, will they lose all euro cash if the manager to introduce cbcd?
ANSWER: Something is not right. The liquidations are continuing. The panic to the dollar is being magnified by preventing shorting government bonds in Europe. They are creating an economic black hole. There is no way this virus warrants the shutting down of the world economy. This is becoming so destructive, it is beyond the intensity models we have run even on the Great Depression. This is starting to smell like deliberately creating panic to gain power.
Europe may close the banks because there are runs developing. Swap cash for dollars if you can. The risk in Europe is they simply cancel the currency. They do not need the USA or Asia to agree. The ECB has no power left because of the negative interest rates. This is the move to try to do Euro bonds now. But they are destroying the capital markets.
We may see this Panic continue into the week of the 23rd as =
Our Energy Models are making new highs and will probably peak this week. They appear to be reaching perhaps new record highs which reflects the massive amount of liquidation going on. The losses in the hedge funds, Relative Value funds, correlation desks are off the charts. It may exceed $100 billion minimum.
Price-wise, we may be looking at a cycle inversion whereby the failure to rally and close above 21600 on the Dow warns that the market may just decline into Monday 23rd. Doing so raises the risk of closing the banks and the markets at least in Europe. We will monitor the markets and post on timing.
GUNS and TOILET Paper ! No paper ,No Guns ,No Chicken ,No SOUP …plenty of candy for sale..it looks like people are going back to basics..
You have to consider everything in order to make rational decisions in a panicked and irrational world.
Good catch! He appears to be saying “There’s nothing natural ….
You wrote:
“Evidently it came from a bio weapons lab in Wuhan China”
Trump said something during today’s Coronavirus Task Force briefing that alluded to this (I think). Listen to what he says at 30:15-30:25 and then listen to the way he refers to China at 22:29. I think these clips explain why he keeps calling this a “Chinese virus” despite getting a lot of criticism for it – he is letting us know what happened in a “beating around the bush” sort of way.
” How could this globally coordinated news event pop up out of nowhere??”
Evidently it came from a bio weapons lab in Wuhan China.
The media IS milking it for all it’s worth. That’s what they do.
My hat’s off to you and all the other health care workers who really put it on the line.
Lets not forget about their media, whoever they are that determine what the headlines are. My guess? Global CIA employed psychologists psychiatrists etc may be involved at highest levels of global media. Don’t forget the whole world is one country with one gov’t, that we never vote for, or that’s how it seems. How could this globally coordinated news event pop up out of nowhere??
I don’t doubt that the NWO crowd will try to use the epidemic to their advantage but to say that it’s a hoax is another thing altogether. I hope I’m wrong and the virus turns out to be a minor thing. I don’t think that’s going to happen. JMO
I guess we’ll find out in the next few weeks if the governments of China, Italy, Spain, Iran and the US are trying to put one over on us. IMO the coronavirus is a genuine dangerous health risk. That fact however won’t stop those entities with hidden agendas from trying to use it for their own purposes.
It would not be at all surprising if hospitals in a socialized medicine system fare worse in the present situation.
The question I am trying to answer is whether or not this whole COVID-19 pandemic (and surrounding circumstances) is a hoax – and I have not made up my mind.
It seems to me if hospitals (anywhere) get overwhelmed to the point where triage decisions must be made and patients (who could been saved) are allowed to die due to inadequate resources, then this SARS-CoV-2 bug really is worse than a typical flu. Unfortunately it seems like overwhelm HAS been happening in Italy, if news reports are to be believed.
Lets not forget about white tail deer, turtles, and whales. Also those Behemoth Gas Guzzling SUVs? They have to go. Nobody needs an SUV, an Assault Weapon, or a 12 cylinder Jaguar. We do need more immigrants, because they work cheap and do the jobs Americans don’t want right? Plus, they are only trying to have a better life. They need fast track citizenship, and driver licensees too..
Plus, we don’t like those dirty polluting manufacturing jobs. The rust belt has got to go. We are going to be a sales and service of imported products economy.
We need to trade those dirty smoke stack jobs to China, in exchange for the Asian Long Horn beetle, camel crickets, and those fish that jump out of the water hit you in the head, and into your boat. LOL no fishing pole needed.
John Maynard Keynes once famously called gold the “barbarous relic,” suggesting that its usefulness and, hence, it’s value, is antiquated. … Interestingly, governments the world over own large amounts of gold and have recently begun increasing their ownership of gold.
Guys did I miss anything?? LOL
Sarcasm of course.
Early this am I said that the 30 yr bond being down 3.5 handles was ominous what with the DOW futures down 550–so now the $ index is up 2 handles–that’s the alibi for flushing gold…but the ither day gold was up a lot AND the dollar was up over a handle…gold will detach from the dollar–pungters won’t care as the treasuries are signaling chaos and a real systemic breakdown