OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

FYI A Thought Here, Re UGLD

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:12 on March 16, 2020  

If any of us have more confidence in the physical price rising better and faster than the Miners prices, UGLD is a triple on the Spot Gold price. Captain Hook I don’t think would approve though. Imagine a 4% rise in Gold = a 12% rise in UGLD and cashing it out and buy 8% more physical with the same dollars? Did I figure that right?

USLV Similar Silver a similar thing. Silver today $13 if it goes back to $18 = 35%? The USLV would go up by 105%? Then switch all or part to physical no matter how high the physical gets? Just something to think about.

But we all know, the ETFs don’t always do what they are supposed to do.

P.S. On a GLD chart with a UGLD overlay, going back to the major gold bottom Jan 2016, the UGLD up 65% with the GLD up about 38%.

Maddog @ 12:52

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:56 on March 16, 2020  

LOL! PPT’s got the flu!

Dangerous times for politicians. Saw this morning that the Mexican President had just shaken some thousand hands …

Funny How All The FAANG Investors Are Getting A Taste Of What Gold Investors Have Gone Thru For Decades

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:54 on March 16, 2020  

We’re used to it, we can handle it, We’re real men. 🙂 This is a first time for the regular folks since 1987. They all puked up their “Apples” et al on the lows, and then watch them later run away on the upside and they’re afraid to buy back in.

Will they get lucky? Is it OUR chance to buy the “Apples” now.

I wonder if you can use colloidal silver in a neti pot?

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:53 on March 16, 2020  

I read that the virus gets going in your sinus’s.

Is this why we are ‘allowed’ to rally ???????/

Posted by Maddog @ 12:52 on March 16, 2020  

Employee At BIS’ Basel Headquarters Infected With Coronavirus, Nine Others Exposed


Nice to see the HUI come back with the Dow still down a couple thousand.

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:51 on March 16, 2020  

PM shares were knocked down ridiculously.

Tks R640 and maya for the Selenium tip and tks Goldielocks for the Multi Vit tip

Posted by Maddog @ 12:47 on March 16, 2020  

I checked my Multi Vit tab and lo and behold it has Selenium in it !!!!!


Posted by treefrog @ 12:36 on March 16, 2020  

HUI just went green.

Alan Greenspan: “Only A Matter Of Time” Before Negative Interest Rates Spread To U.S.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:27 on March 16, 2020  

After 3:30 minutes he mentions gold

I know the big guys like Blackrock, Goldman JPM etc read this site to see what I’m doing they musta seen my earlier post when I wrote=

Posted by Richard640 @ 11:53 on March 16, 2020  

Today marks the maximum in pessimism…and bottom for gold and stocks–buy with all three hands!

The HUI is 23 points off the bottom…

[snort! squeal!!]

CASH is King until

Posted by Ororeef @ 11:46 on March 16, 2020  

Trillions of $ start bid up prices ,then GOLD will take its rightful place as a store of value ….They will TRASH the DOLLAR to save exports  and Helicopter money will be a long time in place because of FED fear of Contraction in the economy ….Inflation will have its day…money printing will prevail for foreseeable FUTURE  …..gotta save the consumer economy AND  JOBS with Bailouts …endless money printing ….IF you survive the virus  ..! Take your vitamin D & C  ….

Buygold @ 10:55 They Are Not Just Stock Piling Toilet Paper

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 11:08 on March 16, 2020  

I looked at some on the big online coin dealers, they are clogged up. Some won’t open. Others I saw 10 day wait. Nobody is going to wait ten days. Its like we thought years ago. There will come a day when none is for sale. I saw $90 over spot in one place.

Copper Pennies Five Cents Each

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 10:57 on March 16, 2020  


Mr. Copper

Posted by Buygold @ 10:55 on March 16, 2020  

I would sure like to see a V-shaped recovery starting today.

The paper markets have completely dislodged from reality.

NUGT up 20%?? EQX up 15% AGI up 8% DRD up 2% AOBC (guns) up 6%

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 10:45 on March 16, 2020  

Gold going down is an aberration, a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome. Even if the system goes into a deflation. Gold will rise in response to the financial system not being managed correctly or responsibly.

Looks like we could get a reversal

Posted by Buygold @ 10:37 on March 16, 2020  

shares picking up the pace.

That would be a miracle.

George Washington’s Farewell Address Quotes

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 10:27 on March 16, 2020  

“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world”: it was George Washington’s Farewell Address to us. The inaugural pledge of Thomas Jefferson was no less clear: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none.”

Washington’s Farewell Address,1796. … Washington’s address argued for a careful foreign policy of friendly neutrality that would avoid creating implacable enemies or international friendships of dubious value, nor entangle the United States in foreign alliances.

Washington ultimately took Hamilton’s side and drafted a Statement of Neutrality on April 22, 1793. The Statement of Neutrality voiced the United States’ intention to avoid foreign entanglements, to keep the United States out of European politics, and to make temporary alliances only in emergency scenarios.

As European powers embarked on a long war, each hoping to draw the U.S. to its side, Washington admonished the country “to steer clear of permanent Alliances.” Foreign nations, he explained, could not be trusted to do anything more than pursue their own interests when entering international treaties.


He left the “instruction manual” behind, and somehow, some “snakes” created a central bank in 1913 and got away with removing US Independence.  After which WW I WW II Korea Vietnam and a bunch of others.

Our country was absorbed and or merged with countries that have baggage. As Papa Bush said, “We have a new world order” right on TV with a smile no less. Obama once said re bombing Kaddafi, “We have budget restraints now you French have to do it” . Another time with a problem he said “Hey we are all in this together ya know”.

WPM had a trading halt…it free now…it was down about 30% and now 2.40 off the low

Posted by Richard640 @ 10:25 on March 16, 2020  

I’d like to buy some cde calls for june but the bid/ask is nuts


Posted by amals @ 10:19 on March 16, 2020  

Good post, and mirrors my feelings based upon a lot of reading and investigating over the last 6 weeks or so.  I started paying attention late January.  One thing left out of that piece, though, is the additional critical point that our hospitals generally run at a significant percentage of capacity anyway; without a crisis.  Consider all the other problems that crop up daily that also demand medical attention, if not in fact, critical care.  Tough choices will have to be made and it will not be pretty.

Maddog–Yup! A fine mess they’ve…it was fun while it lasted

Posted by Richard640 @ 10:17 on March 16, 2020  

Buygold–that post was sort of tongue in cheek…I have no clue where this’ll end up–it sure feels more serious than 2008–EVRYBODY is expecting a V recovery…maybe that doesn’t happen this time


Posted by Maddog @ 10:16 on March 16, 2020  

Top post….makes a lot of sense…tks.

Not so fast Treefrog

Posted by eeos @ 9:54 on March 16, 2020  

b/c old people will be the last to get a ventilator, unless you want to be in a hallway gasping for your last breathes. The people in denial are the ones that are causing this outbreak! We have flat earth deniers of covid and then we have logical people that know the earth is a sphere and are taking proper precautions to avoid this pneumonia. Make sure to study 1918’s flu pandemic. Bad in spring, HORRIBLE in the coming fall. So right when all the duffusses call hoax, they will be offed in the 2nd round.

I did not write this but it’s all very logical: Up until this weekend, I felt there was too much media hysteria scaring people around Novel Covid-19 into hoarding TP. Then a doctor personally explained to me this is a “novel” coronavirus that requires learning how to treat and the time involved to create a vaccine. It is also more deadly than a standard flu to anyone within the list of risk factors or increased age. Currently, this is a fully TREATABLE disease, HOWEVER, to treat everyone successfully we DO NOT enough medical equipment, personnel, facilities, and medication available in the US and globally if large numbers of people become sick, hence the concern and focus on infection curve.
Standard medical practice in situations like this would be to first identify those carriers and isolate, quarantine, them to reduce spread. Unfortunately, governments around the world, ours included, delayed widespread testing along with a rapid spread of infection and now this virus is widespread. So to the second method is social distancing, total shut down of countries, businesses, and travel, to keep the infection curve down and not overwhelm the medical system. And here is the key concept, “not overwhelm the medical system”. This doctor was very clear, the US and nearly every country in the world does not have adequate bandwidth to care for large numbers of critically sick people. This virus so far requires a ventilator for treatment, and there is already an acute shortage of ventilators here and globally. If large numbers of people come down with acute Covid-19 the medical system will be forced to implement triage and decide who will and who won’t get respirator treatment.
This doctor was very clear the shutting down of countries and activities is not about hysteria or politics but FIRSTLY to protect the medical system from being swamped, collapsing, and to reduce deaths. They said if social distancing is fully implemented here in the US, which they said is pretty much required now given the numbers estimated to be currently infected, to prepare for everyone being confined to their home for several weeks or more. Italy estimates 5-6 six weeks of whole society isolation.
It is now time for the middle, left and right media, the government, and social media influencers to stop sowing disinformation and be completely clear and transparent. To explain and educate us to stay calm, the reasons and benefits for shutting down business and activities, why hunkering down at home is important to the overall health os everyone. And when it passes and/or the medical system is strong enough to handle mass illness, grocery shelves will be restocked, concerts will return, and we will go back to the normal of criticizing what was done calling it all a hoax

R640 – Tend to agree but need to see an intraday reversal in pm’s

Posted by Buygold @ 9:51 on March 16, 2020  

“Today marks the maximum in pessimism…and bottom for gold and stocks–buy with all three hands!”

Couple % more and the DOW will be halted again.

For Crying Out Loud

Posted by commish @ 9:37 on March 16, 2020  

Silver at 12.51


Posted by Maddog @ 9:28 on March 16, 2020  

What’s behind it ????

No idea….but as I said to a mate, the world hasn’t had anything bad happen on a global scale for decades, so the world has allowed fools,children and shysters to build a cats cradle of nothing. The world of my parents saw two wars, they made sure adults ran the world, because they knew what happens when things go wrong.

We have all watched the scum create this financial fools paradise, now it is unravelling, just like we all knew it might…..hopefully as their leavers start to fail, the crushing of PM’s will as well…..the Bond mkt may already have failed, as it is nigh on untradeable, so huge are the random moves .

Once the SM opens we may see that fail as well…..last Fridays 7 % rally in 25 mins was a clear sign, it had gone insane…..like the bonds have.

Ps I see the Vix has failed to open…..

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.