James Mc checked in early…
Fake gold “shrugs off” TEOTWAWKI-like NFP numbers
If a minus 700k NFP print, which was 7 times worse than expected, and prior to the catastrophic May NFP which everyone knows is coming can’t move the fake gold price then you know it is a RIGGED casino. Hey, shrugs all the way around, the dollar, Dow, S&P also seem very nonplussed. After all, TEOTWAWKI is no big deal, right? Another joke becomes prophecy as near-end times for the global economy seemingly has gold stymied and confused, “looking for direction” sayeth the MOPE brigade. This is hilarious- even a million standard deviation from norm event doesn’t stop the NFP riggers from making their appointed rounds. People are wising up to this charade however.
The EFP’s have disappeared for the second straight day. Yesterday’s 2,529 tally is a far cry from the halcyon days of the past year, or, even as recently as last Tuesday. Gold and silver volume have also disappeared due to the margin hikes and the recognition the Crimex is a rigged casino. In the real world the premiums for real stuff will only keep growing.
Here’s a quick checklist for a path to $100k gold:
*Derivatives crash
*Economic crash
*Hyper-monetary expansion
*Equity crash
*TBTF Banking crisis
*Social unrest
*ZIRP/NIRP bond yields
*The acute need for ultimate safety
*Decades-long gold suppression scheme unraveling
ALL criteria for a gold and silver explosion are currently being met. If gold were allowed to anticipate ANYTHING it would already be well on the way to $100k. The approaching monetary debasement will destroy global currency values. We’re currently in the first inning of monetary destruction.
One of my long held beliefs has been the reason gold, and particularly silver prices have been unreasonablysuppressed is because THEY have to. Kryptonite kills, and a silver blow-up is a nuclear event. I have maintained since the run up in 2011 they could have suppressed gold around $2,000, and silver $50 and nobody would have even noticed or cared. The fact that $1600 and $14 silver exists in the fictional world of the Crimex is proof THEY have short obligations out there that will blow to Kingdom Come if ever those prices become reality. We are witnessing the pre-Kingdom Come phase of the cartel fright show. The Wizard of OZ, aka LBMA, is shouting in his megaphone trying to terrorize people into believing there’s too much gold out there. HAHaHa. (Real) money talks, bullsh*t walks.