Goldie – yeah, you’re right. I’d have done a lot better in this sector had I bought RGLD and FNV, and maybe some other major producers. It’s as you say, the lottery ticket juniors that have absolutely killed me. Not had a single one that has done the infamous “ten bagger”.
Captain – thanks. The gamblers are what they are, they won’t stop playing with fire. Just gotta hope someone large enough at the Crimex stands for delivery and breaks their dumb asses.
R640 – So, you’re Sunday night gold explosion was just a joke? What about your post of a couple days ago where you thought gold and the shares would jump and I told you your call was “prophetic”?
So, is there anything you actually post that you believe or post with conviction? There are a lot of folks here that might rely on information posted on this small forum. I’m sure there are some posters here that take your opinions very seriously. Please take that into consideration when you are just “yolking”