I haven’t heard any financial pundit talking about this, so there is a good chance I am nuts.
Somebody please correct me if I’m wrong.
The dollar is borrowed into existence. Most come with interest attached. The dollars to pay the interest are not created at the same time the money is created.
Therefore the accumulated need for dollars just to pay the interest on the TRILLONS of dollars created since 1980 has to be off-the-charts enormous. The Fractional Reserve Fiat Money banking scheme relies on an ever exponentially expanding money supply. No wonder they are giving out billions in free money and forgiving debt left & right.
Just like a PONZI scheme the bankers have run out of rubes – no one can borrow any more than they already have and there are not enough dollars to pay the interest on the money already created.
The saturation point has been reached and game is coming to an end. Time for a new game – their Digital SDR Money for all will save us!! <sarc>
Contrived or not, the Virus Crisis provides the perfect scapegoat so that the rubes do not suspect the real issue.