Barr sound be more conserved. I’m beginning to worry he’s gone mainstream.
He should be investigating Gates for conspiracy against the people for profit.
Ipso 10:09
Guess that answers my question
DOW 100 pts. off the high
Gold immediately $13 off the high
Silver immediately $.20 off the high
and the beat goes on…
Paul Craig Roberts
Big Pharma sees massive profits in the virus, Government sees more power to control
But the disparity in economic benefits is only a part of it. Powerful vested interests, such as Bill Gates and Big Pharma, are determined to vaccinate us all, and to control our movements with an internal passport called “vaccinated, health cleared” or other words to that effect. New tracking procedures and technologies are to be put in operation reminiscent of the “mark of the beast” to police the access of varous categories of people to various areas and benefits.
Experts point out that just as we cannot be vaccinated against the common cold, except perhaps for the past year’s version we cannot be vaccinated against Covid-19 and other mutating viruses, but the experts are already being shouted down. No expert opinion is to be permitted to stand in the way of vaccination profits.
Neither will nutrition and vitamin advocates be allowed to get in the way. Bill Sardi predicts that orchestrated scares generated by mandatory recalls of “toxic” vitamins await us. Big Pharma is determined to acquire control over vitamins and homeopathic remedies, and the FDA is Big Pharma’s likely pawn.
Vaccination has been elevated above cure, as Big Pharma and its shills such as CNN shout down the positive experience doctors report of successful treatments with Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, and the effectiveness of Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, and Zinc in strengthening the ability of immune systems to fight off the virus. Big Pharma-influenced medical orthodoxy cannot get out of the box it has been put into. When new thinking and experimentation are needed, those capable of thought are hasseled and even blocked by FDA regulations and dogmatism.
The permanent government and its security agencies see in the population’s fear and confusion opportunities to put into place more tyrannical measures, more set-asides of Constitutional Rights, more impairments on free speech. The ability of freedom to resist oppression is ever diminished.
Various descriptions of the expected dystopia are offered on the Internet. But it does not have to turn out this way. It is up to us. Demoralized and fearful, we can accept more government power as we did after 9/11. Instead, we can collectively recognize the massive failure everywhere of Western leadership and construct a more liveable and sustainable society.
Question for the day
if the stock market starts to drift lower will the scum take the pm sector with it?
Sorry, I’m just not used to a little prosperity.
The General takes out the 6 Mch Hi….
next tgt 57.93…then 72.42
Maya @ 3:2
Now that’s a train picture! 🙂
Fed Announces $2.3 Trillion in Programs to Support Economy
More bazooka money.
If that doesn’t help the metals, I don’t know what will.
Just checking in
This may have been shared before but if you haven’t seen this you ought to give it a listen when you have time.
Goldi-Wow! That’s an amzing story-In those days there were still so many oldtimers still around
who had been in all aspects of the silent and talkies movie production of the 1920s-30s and 40s…
treefrog @ 21:18
Don’t tell that to the authorities.
The bureaucrats want to lock your ass down.
Buygold 20:29
I’m guessing they’re expecting inflation or hyperinflation will occurs due to this global shut down and its consequences to business, jobs and the Gov ability to bail the business so save the economy then how they’re going to deal with the debt. Some countries already having problems including from austerity issues from EU and hope they think about letting them have more control over them this time. If people default or the country monetizes down the road there will be inflation but first money going home there will be deflation worries.
It’s funny but not really how countries know the EU hasn’t been good for them but won’t or can’t get out. Hope they’re smart enough not to go digital.
Gene Autry: In my youth I was in a apt with a view of golf course although didn’t golf it was a break from the city of Fullerton at the time near a college.
One late night I heard a big crash in the building. I got out of bed went outside to see what it was cuz didn’t sound good.
A car lost control and drove through a apt then through a door and partially collapsed another door to another apt.
I saw a teen girl run out and she jumped up on some guy I knew from work or was a orderly turned out she almost hit on his motorcycle and why she swerved and lost control going too fast. She was in emotional shock and took off running probably home. Turned out she just got her license.
Anyways some people rushed to pull a old lady out of the apt next to the one that the car went through but not the one it went through. It looked like s bomb hit i and could hear the car was still running.
I knew there was a elder lady in there and she stays up late was probably in the living room the car went through. I told the orderly we got to get her out she might be hurt or worse and that car could catch fire. He was still talking about that girl. Said I had her and more joking. I said fine you had her you lost her Im going in by myself then.
The front wall was gone so made my way in a lot of debris to find her still standing but s lot of cuts on her arms.
She said I helped the girl out of the car is she okay? I thought it was a miracle she was okay otherwise. She said she was on the couch and suddenly went flying. The orderly followed me in and turned the car off then we got her out.
Long story short turned out she was friends with Autry and played in movies with him.
Maddog–if june gold closes over 1700 today by 10 or 29, that would be pretty bullish
From the bottom in 2008 it took 3 long yrs to get to 1900…I hope they drag it out for years this time…and silver is a long way from $50…