Total cases: 580 (6 newly reported)
Hawai’i County: 62
Honolulu County: 385
Kaua’i County: 21
Maui County: 106
Pending: 0
Residents diagnosed outside of Hawai‘i: 6
Required Hospitalization: 52
Hawaii deaths: 10
Released from Isolation: 414
Cumulative totals as of 12:00pm, April 19, 2020
Includes recoveries, so you can do the math. The ‘Kona Restaurant Cluster’ here on Hawaii County ballooned to 29 yesterday, pushing our island total to 61. One more today. The Kona cluster was instructive in carelessness. One restaurant worker spread to 7 inside, who took it home to their families and now stands at 29 infected. This is why we will not be returning to the ‘old normal’ anytime soon.