I hope they’re eyes are opening because their lives and lively hood will depend on it.
States are now using the virus to pay off their debts. Oh throw in money oldie this and that too, just print. They never make conservative changes because they are not qualified to do it. Like Armstrong said would you have a taxi driver do brain surgery. He also said they produce nothing just consume and they have no accountability.
Continued rinse and repeat this time they had to come up with a virus. It’s not them it’s the virus doing it. This time even the economic naive wont be fooled. People are going to see them as waisted energy and a threat to their survival , culture including that favorite coffee shop, bar, salon, martial arts, store, restaurant, on and on shut down permanently and most important constitution.
They’re not serfs for these condescending idiots..
if the private sector goes down who’s gonna pay their salary?
Captain Hook
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