Its time to be happy. This is all one BIG GOING AWAY PARTY, for the Federal Reserve and their alleged US Dollar. It isn’t really a US Dollar. As defined in the US constitution. It has been doing business illegally as US Dollar.
Right now they have nothing to lose. The “credit card” is still working, the “owner” of the credit card has “passed away” (taxpayer?) and the authorized user knowingly continues using the “card” of a deceased owner which is totally illegal.
The so called booming economy was starting to fail in late 2018, that’s why and when the rates started dropping again. The “deceased” has been on artificial life support, a long time. Its a big global welfare state.
There are people around me that got free $400,000 to raise their houses and get new bulkheads for new requirements after Sandy storm. Also a new Tappan Zee bridge, a new small bridge near by they milked for years. We have new gas lines, new water lines, new water meters, and recently new utility poles. Plus so many other unneeded things it would take too long.
Normally, a profitable society making good money and profits and paying taxes comes first. THEN you black top the dirt roads, and add utilities and lighting etc. You don’t do those things first to create a profitable society.
Everything gradually went backwards, and before it all goes forwards again, there are going to be withdrawal pains. But now? Lets have a party. 🙂