This Copper chart exposes the bankers loss of control. They maintained Copper prices at $1/lb, plus or minus .50 cents, from 1974 until 2004, 30 years. Adjusted for 30 years inflation it was a clear down trend. Most all metals charts look the same.
So the next time you hear them on TV say, Copper goes up and down with the economy? Maybe they are right, because the US economy has been in an invisible decline since the 1970s.
We HAD to have a negative real GNP, er GDP, (they took away national) because there was no real growth in prosperity. Just twice as many workers to pay the same bills, all fake.
“Honey look, our house is worth $500k and we only paid $40k.” but there is no real profit honey. $40k and $500k both have about the same purchasing power.
NOTE: The Loss Of Banker Control after 2004 and expect more surprises as you suggested. Copper chart.
By the way, Gold is up 871% from 1974, $175 per oz to $1,700 per oz = 871%
A common $45,000 house in 1974, plus 871% = $436,950, and that’s about what they are today.
However, Gold no interest payments, no property taxes, no insurance or maintenance costs on the gold. Add that up, and Gold far out performed real estate. Gold chart.