Those are two separate markets. SLV is an ETF. Nothing to do with futures.
The open interest put / call ratio is .27 on SLV right now involving millions of units.
In other words there are 4 times as many bulls as bears. (Does this sound like a washed out market to you?)
And this has been the case for over a decade, as long as this thing has been around, because the hedge funds and all strata of gamblers like to dabble without the dreary task of physical world constraints.
And you pay for that luxury with the bankers pissing on you with their unlimited digital currencies daily.
This is why silver remains comatose, and will remain that way until something changes.
Hopefully that change will be at Comex if they default, but I would not hold your breath.
That’s why I have been saying most here will be dead before silver moves cuz the bankers are as crazy as the gamblers and visa versa…and they will never stop the rig…it’s very lucrative.
At least it’s not boring…no?
Have a good day.