Posted by Maddog
@ 13:24 on April 30, 2020
Re Gata…they just said that ‘someone’ told them a big move was coming, as deer79 said.
The rest was my own guess, about the May deliveries. L like Murphy he is nowhere near as much of a self promoter as Sinclair is, he has been a Trojan fighting the cause, against the odds.
As bad as today is, it sets the mkt up for the next run…just have to see where it falls to….it should be and is a gift to Av into. Plus there are obvious gaps that need filling, the first one is done.
Posted by Captain Hook
@ 13:15 on April 30, 2020
Those are two separate markets. SLV is an ETF. Nothing to do with futures.
The open interest put / call ratio is .27 on SLV right now involving millions of units.
In other words there are 4 times as many bulls as bears. (Does this sound like a washed out market to you?)
And this has been the case for over a decade, as long as this thing has been around, because the hedge funds and all strata of gamblers like to dabble without the dreary task of physical world constraints.
And you pay for that luxury with the bankers pissing on you with their unlimited digital currencies daily.
This is why silver remains comatose, and will remain that way until something changes.
Hopefully that change will be at Comex if they default, but I would not hold your breath.
That’s why I have been saying most here will be dead before silver moves cuz the bankers are as crazy as the gamblers and visa versa…and they will never stop the rig…it’s very lucrative.
At least it’s not boring…no?
Have a good day.
Posted by deer79
@ 13:12 on April 30, 2020
That sounds about right. I text Bill Murphy from time to time and he did share with me ( this past Friday) to look for a big move this week.
Posted by Buygold
@ 13:00 on April 30, 2020
GATA is pretty much on par with Sinclair in terms of their prognostications. What exactly did they say, and who said it?
I guess the shares will tell us a lot into the close.
Posted by Maddog
@ 12:32 on April 30, 2020
They got the word that a big move was coming @ now and it was Up…..did the scum buy a few May gold contracts, to make it look someone was gonna go for delivery, get the bugs all long and then smash hell out of it all today…….could well be.
Posted by Richard640
@ 12:23 on April 30, 2020
Gold swooned with stocks…the DOW was down 400 and has stabilized–if stocks grind higher so will gold…but I’m in no rush…I gotta see if stocks have more downside. gold down $21…
Posted by Buygold
@ 12:17 on April 30, 2020
Hard to believe they can even find anyone on the other side of their trades.
I guess the nightmare continues….like it or not
Posted by Richard640
@ 12:01 on April 30, 2020
What do u mean? Is there some silver futs op-ex today?
AS NI WRITE the stock mkt has accelerated down and G&S are CRASHING with it–this one to one relationboat with gold and stocks is getting rather stale–what do u make of it?
Posted by ipso facto
@ 11:59 on April 30, 2020
Roger that. Truly amazing!
But the writing is definitely on the wall.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 11:56 on April 30, 2020
Oh that’s just normal market action. 
Posted by treefrog
@ 11:53 on April 30, 2020
Posted by deer79
@ 11:20 on April 30, 2020
A few cracks in the dam ( for the Cartel to manage), but what is beyond belief is that these criminals are getting away with the same BS tactics even in these unprecedented conditions. Truly amazing to say the least!
Posted by eeos
@ 11:08 on April 30, 2020
the dollar gets shit smacked down below 100 and G and S plummet as soon as a little shitty support is found? SCAM
Posted by Buygold
@ 10:31 on April 30, 2020
Really have to like the level of strength.
The best the scum has been able to do is take us sideways.
Almost looks like a real market – in the shares at least – the metals are still the most corrupt market on earth.
Posted by Captain Hook
@ 10:24 on April 30, 2020
Lots of SLV calls open so you will get that.
If it was left to the physical world, silver would be flying.
That said, all commodities have the ‘advantage’ right now with the SPX/CRB Ratio at such an extreme. That’s why they can’t hold oil down here.
Let’s hope some of that can rub off. An uptick in physical demand would not hurt either. Watching Comex today.
Watch the employment report beat expectations tomorrow and the corresponding drubbing of PMs. That should not be surprising at this point however with these characters involved — so pullbacks could be shallow.
That said, good idea to keep some powder dry for buying ops.
Posted by Richard640
@ 10:13 on April 30, 2020
Posted by goldielocks
@ 10:11 on April 30, 2020
As far as California succeeding it would be a plus for the republicans come voting time and take NY and Illinois with them.
We can then send all the illegals their way and close the borders on the other end.
They are already infecting other states moving there too like Oregon, Washington and Texas bringing brain dead libs following jobs they lost or retiring because they can no longer afford the taxes or cost of living. Not that all will be libs because if you took out the immigrants for instance and their kids and the fake ballots Calif would be mostly red. So they’re infecting schools and colleges to dumb down the kids to think socialism and communism is good and conning them them with PC BS while they work on their agenda behind the scenes getting them to follow along and will be too late when their new currency isn’t worth more than Venezuela land their constitution is gone.
They will no longer get Fed money and be on the reserve currency.
Then these foreign countries on the sidelines would move in and these pan handler Dems would take their money and be taken or be invaded.
Most Americans here do not want to let these libs succeed their states.
They will try to take over all sea port areas for blackmail. Meanwhile Mid East Russia and China would see a easier target and infiltration points including our ports. Why we can’t let these con artists on the take and know it alls who know nothing get away with it.
Posted by Richard640
@ 9:58 on April 30, 2020
to quietly help someone take a big profit at maximum price…but mean’t to crash the mkt…
Luckily I was on my computer and sold literally as the door was closing…I gave up $6K profit I had 15 minutes earlier but still banked $11K
Gold is dead for the day-the next buying opp could be after the monthly jobs report tomorrow…buying any sell off after the release….One could buy before but that’s risky…as for me I gotta watch the action today for any diagnostic clues…but hats off to the NY FED trade desk…they really know their business…if stocks rally back with vigor, maybe G&S will follow
FilledSell873JNUGLimit85.50—-08:39:20 04/30/20
FilledSell800JNUGLimit85.50—-08:39:20 04/30/20
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Posted by Buygold
@ 9:57 on April 30, 2020
never seen this before… 
Let’s see if the dipper’s buy the shares and ignore the Crimex.
Posted by Captain Hook
@ 9:55 on April 30, 2020
There’s a chance of a bullish outcome in the short-term if we see enough of these guys stand for delivery.
Everything’s crossed.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 9:53 on April 30, 2020
Posted by ipso facto
@ 9:10 on April 30, 2020
Osisko continues to hit high grades at Lynx, confirms Triple Lynx extensions
Osisko continues to hit high grades at Lynx, confirms Triple Lynx extensions
Posted by Midnight Gardener
@ 9:03 on April 30, 2020
Posted by Maddog
@ 8:51 on April 30, 2020
All hail the Rig aka fill yer boots with TSLA…u know it is the right thing to do.
Posted by Maddog
@ 8:44 on April 30, 2020
had that dread pattern all of the London morning, where no rallies are allowed to hold and the mkt is always drifting lower, with regular hits that knock it down a dollar or so……
Shares were looking well perky…even had break outs…this is what the scum will no doubt try and kill today…we shall see.
Oh Boy they really are serious……this is getting very old, as well as out right criminal, as no-one has ever given them the right to slaughter genuine business.