don’t forget beans. dry beans keep for amazingly long periods, and with the cereal grains, are a good protein source. DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET details how legumes – beans, lentils, etc have a lot of protein, but it isn’t complete. they don’t have all the amino acids humans need. the cereal grains (corn, rice, wheat etc – the grasses) don’t have much protein, but it’s the amino acids that are missing from legumes. together, they give all the amino acids we need. beans ‘n rice! bean burritos! succotash! barley and lentil soup!
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R640 Mad world
U would only get a 1 bedroom apartemnt in London for that money ……crazy world.
…be bold, get creative !!!
Richard640 @ 11:46
Nice place!
You’re selling your house?
Just don’t put all the proceeds into JNUG!
King Richard
Nice House King. Would bring well over M+++ here in California.
Ipso-I have a 25 lb bag of Lundberg organic short grain brown rice in the pantry off the kitchen
No clue what will happen after the meeting to pm’s.
Truth is, the Fed can say nothing other than they will continue to implement additional QE, whether it is in support of the bond markets, junk or otherwise, and every other market that needs stabilization.
They can’t cut to below zero, or at least they won’t attempt to.
So maybe we’ll get the usual artificial pm smash today or tomorrow. I dunno, but it won’t last long.
The great trade we all probably missed
was XOM at under $ 30….now trading @ $47….at < $ 30…it was yielding @ 12 % p/a……'s still yielding 7.75 %
Not a bad idea to stock up
Rabobank: The Next Phase Of The Crisis – Food Shortages In Staples Such As Rice, Sugar, Corn And Eggs
Pension scam…
…nothing new but people fail to realize the numbers and implications associated with out of control bureaucrats at work.
Cheers all
Buygold-Yes!! great action…now I’m thinking no sell off after the meeting–just straight up…never sell a dull mkt…
The only nagging worry for me is how far can gold go with the record high confidence in the FED??….expressed by the stock mkt acting like it did before the virus…
R640 – shares looking strong
unless this is a head fake for a post Fed beat down.
The shares – especially the silver shares, looking great!
Gold=never sell a dull market–a possible bullish scenario setting up for today
gold sold off $9 but my JNUG sold off about a dime and was quickly bought…the $’s down & weakling silver firmly up
The FED meeting today is the most widely known and anticipated event ever…the FED will do infinite money printing to make everyone whole and create the status quo ante…if that is known then why would gold react AFTER THE meeting and FED talk at 2:30….why isn’t gold soaring now instead of being down $9?
We know that’s part of the rig to sell gold in front of all FED meetings…which brings us back to never sell a dull mkt–gold has been going sideways now for 4 days…I just have the feeling that it may have a quick plunge after 2pm–then come back and go up $25 to $50…JMO DYOD…going just on one of my patented R640 hunches….
Scum working hard to keep us below $1700
Don’t think they’re going to do it though.
Q1 GDP must have come out “better than expected” at -4.8% although I think most of that occurred before the long arm of the gov’t locked the country down.
Regardless, some of the silver juniors look strong this am. when they really get going it will truly be a sight to behold.
edit: Lost in the shuffle – there’s a Fed Meeting today. I wonder how they’ll attempt to make themselves relevant?
Mny tks yr a gent.
Re Scotia…they bought Moccatta which was the crew that took out the Hunts….Moccatta scaled up sold Gold and particularly Silver, all the way up in the great Bull mkt, as part of a programme, that was based off the idea that mkts always overshoot ….except this time it didn’t stop going.
If Silver had kept on going, then Moccatta was gonna go bust, so Jurecki the head honcho, persuaded the Crimex board to go liquidation only…and the Hunts went bust instead.
reports 74 new cases of CV-19 yesterday (28 april) down from a peak of 1,290 new cases on 3 april.
An incredibly stupid system which should be jettisoned immediately. Have you ever looked at a math problem in this system?
Study Finds ‘Historic’ Drop In Math, Reading Scores Since Adoption Of Common Core
Maddog @ 8:22
Indeed — it would not take much of a bump in demand for the real stuff to give bankers a real problem moving forward.
This is why I keep harping on the subject.
Buy physical gold and silver and create your own ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ instead of getting pumped in the butt every day by these psycho-bastards.
Take today for example. They covered 4k of their silver shorts the other day giving them lots of ammo to piss on silver all day.
Don’t expect any fireworks for the ‘whipping boy’ even though the equity complex is strong and silver should be participating because the banker script says it’s just a useless industrial commodity.
Make up your effing minds if you still got one.