That’s assuming everyone who had to take a Gov check that is if they can get it be stimulus that was in the works BEFORE the shut down just like those in office who sold shares before the public, trusts the Government. This time most know where it’s coming from. Only thing I’m worried about right now is warning Trump who is not a medical person but a businessman although wise to the WHO that the likes of Fauci and Gates are not his friend or ours.
goldielocks @ 12:07
What a bunch of corrupt and evil bastards!
@Captain Hook re your Derivatives, China and War
I agree about Derivatives. I hate them, and they distort prices. GLD not much different from COMEX pricing. The buyers and sellers of GLD have nothing to sell, and are not taking delivery. Its too easy for them to buy and sell nothing. Their buys and sells are just like votes, or opinions of the price, rather than true market forces.
I remember when Uranium prices were independent. The uncontrolled up tread was great. The Uranium miners too, great. But then I heard they were going to make contracts, and I KNEW that was the end of the trend. I’m sure I posted about it long ago.
Re China? When we had an arms race with USSR? And they went bankrupt before the USA did? And we were all supposed to get a peace dividend? Ha. Never happened. USSR and USA kept sending up rockets.
Then, right after the break up, our “work” or industry started moving away from Japan and onto China. So reason and logic made me think China would be eventually be the new fake rivalry to have a taxpayer financed arms race with, and the need of moving our consumer product production industry over there would give them the money to do it.
Ipso 21:58
Gates mandatory vaccines are starting to break down a bit as people educate themselves I guess unless they’re double dipping with Remdesivir.
He’s commercializing Remdesivir which Soros, Gates and WHO involved which is much more expensive and not as effective as Hydroxychloroquine that has multi functions to fight the virus a low cost.
Remdesivir China holds a patent on Remdesivir with the maker Gilead through a patent sharing branch called UNITAD who’s office is near Wuhan and who’s main financial backers are Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, and WHO. Gilead and Unitad are backers of Hilary Clinton.
All in the family but not the American family or the best choice. Coincidence Fauci was calling well know cheap drug Hydroxychloroquine that also prevented the severe case of the virus as not proven but just knew after only one patient the Remdesivir with limited function by itself and more costly for the patient was?
Fauci Hid Chloroquine Study Showing it Works on Coronavirus
want to crash the economy in order to take away Trumps biggest claim to success….they dont care about anything except winning elections .They will make the Public pay any price ,in fact it suits them to punish voters that voted for Trump ….screw the voters ,just elect democrats ….what a bunch of scum ….They want a majority on welfare so they create a Government dependency for everything and guarantee you vote for them or Starve….just like they did with 95% of black voters.
Freedom is having a job..then you can vote for anyone you like….!without a job, you VOTE yourself into slavery .
Mr.Copper @ 10:09
You might get your wish sooner than you think if Trump keeps pushing the Chicoms towards a hot war.
For Trump, this may be the best political solution on top of the fact “America” is gone soon if something is not done.
This is not why gold is up today (derivatives still run the show — and some specs thought it was a good idea to buy puts on Friday), but it would definitely add to the mix under the right conditions (exploding demand for physical)…no?
Mr.Copper @ 10:09
I can grokk on that. All of our involvements in the rest of the world haven’t benefited the ordinary citizen of the US.
@ipso facto re poll re states seceding from the union
Politically I’m an Isolationist. I would like to see the USA secede from the G 20 union, the global commune. I never saw any USA advantage being part of it. If anything it held back our prosperity and very high cost of money and lives. And now the icing on the cake, Corvid 19.
HUI up a big 7.10 at 9:43 am….impressive what with the $ up .390 and stocks down
nice gains, too, in the silvers with silver up just a penny
Buygold–could end up being a good day–silver was slammed to down 3 cents yet WPM and PAAS have good gains as of 9:35
gold stocks were hit a bit on the open but are coming back….but it’ gonna be a struggle…still..a real change of pace…
Buygold @ 8:31
The guy with the boot on our neck’s hair is on fire but the boot is still there.
Poll Results …. I doubt there’s anyone here who would consider a state seceding to be a positive development at this point in time.
States have the right to secede from the USA
Yes (56%, 27 Votes)
No (29%, 14 Votes)
I don’t know (15%, 7 Votes)
Total Voters: 48
Crimex comes in for the kill
Not punching up this am
That might indicate follow thru to Friday’s move?
I guess we never know with our pm’s eh?
We’ve had more follow thru in 2020 than we’ve had in the last decade.
Silver Train
Riding the Silver Pilot