Huh? Credit crunch??? Totally wrong terminology, s/b ‘because some Americans stopped paying’ their bills.
The stupid media kept warning us about the huge damage China would cause the US economy if they rotate their reserves away from US bonds, right?
The media said it would be terrible, it would drop the dollar and raise rates, bla bla bla, and ha ha ha, it didn’t happen and here we are with loads of damage.
Here it is, right under our noses, a few of our own US citizens stopped paying their loans, and presto, a calamity unfolds, far worse than China’s threat.
We KNOW it’s a calamity because one of the dumb as stump monetary authorities said they would NOT drop unless there was a calamity and a week later we have a banker caused calamity. Not China. They just poison us and put us out of business. 🙂
Anyway they dropped a half point, because loans can’t be had, and the stock market crashed and the bond market froze up.
The same or worse results as the China threat causing high rates, and a damper on borrowing.
They always redirect the people’s attention to the wrong place.
Nobody said a WORD, not ONE word, not one warning, about a disaster from within the US economy simply because a growing number of the US population is getting poor and can’t pay their bills.
The bankers KNEW the people were poor, that’s why they lowered the loan standards, so unqualified borrowers can get money.
And the real injustice is, lots of the loans were transferred FROM banks to innocent public share buyers.
The Next Good Run?
(Mr.Copper) Aug 19, 19:34
I suspect the stagnant rates were actually acting as rising rates. Bogging us down. They should have never raised them in the first place.
They lowered them to 1.25% to get the “top spinning” real good, and while the top was spinning and gaining some sub prime momentum, they were able to RAISE the rates without the slowing affect because of time lag.
Well last week time caught up to them, and we got a real good hint that the situation has changed or reversed and rates will start dropping again. They’ve got only 5 and 1/4 points to work with now, jerks that they are boxed themselves in. 🙂 So now, the question is, how fast will they drop their pants?
They’ll probably panic again because they waited too long. And the next run will begin. Imo of course.
@SeattleMan @Mr.Holbroke
(Mr.Copper) Aug 19, 19:58
Roger on those responses from last night.
Another thought on the prior post. When those innocent unfortunate people stopped paying on their loans?
What they unwittingly did, TO the Fed, was the exact same thing as raising the rates on the US economy all by themselves, without the Feds blessing or permission.
I can’t stop smiling here. 🙂 Now the fed has to fight the victims’ actions. If this wasn’t a sucker punch, right in the Feds kisser, I don’t know what is.
They are on the defensive and getting punch drunk.