30 millions unemployed,and about to lose their Medical benefits along with jobs ..thats a crisis not only for the individuals ,but the whole Medical industry.Their days are numbered..Without insurance it becomes cash only…and Hospital costs will plummet,Dr,s will get paid in cash,chickens or whatever the public offers.
I been there..1940’s-1960’s no insurance ..my kids were born in 1960’s I had no insurance ,but paid $250.00 for my first hospital bill (baby delivery)which included Dr and hospital, everything…It amounted to Two weeks pay ..no problem..Since insurance came into being prices skyrocket as the Medical industry figured they could get the both Insurance money AND what individuals could afford .. ,so now its going to be back to the Future …
Offer to pay CASH to both Dr and Hospital at a 90 % reduction rate.They can do it by cutting out the Forms ,all the transcribers and paper work Coders,..assisstants ..For those not able to pay set up clinics at the hospitals .You go in pay a Fixed fee ..with posted rates ,wait to be called and see a Dr… Churches can help if they would get out of the Real Estate business and get back to helping the Poor …Its all coming back,its going to be the only way,without Hyper Inflation… 1945, Dr made house calls charged $3.00 ,or $5.00 with a shot of Penicillin..Dentist charged $2.00 per visit…both were excellent professionals..I remember them well.Dr Max Shapiro ,and Francis Lear DD..fond memory’s of them both..