Dr. Frank Shallenberger writes a newsletter called “Second Opinion”.
He is a proponent of oxidative therapy using Ozone or Hydrogen Peroxide IntraVenously. Ozone is irritating to the lungs, but he has had success knocking out viruses using a nebulizer with dilute Hydrogen Peroxide. So here is another way you can knock out a lung virus.
First… obtain a small, battery powered ‘Travel Nebulizer’ that turns liquid into a fog or mist that may be inhaled. The nebulizer formula to use is 100 cc of ‘Normal Saline’ solution with 5 cc of Hydrogen Peroxide (3%). Normal drugstore Peroxide is 3%… although ‘medical grade’ stuff is recommended, this will work in a pinch.
“Normal Saline” is a solution of 0.9% salt (sodium chloride) in water. If you cannot obtain medical grade stuff, you can make your own by adding 9 grams of salt to one liter of distilled water. Boil well and store sterile. Sea salt will add trace electrolytes that are a good thing.
I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice… just information for those who wish to self-prepare.