I don’t have a facebook account so will miss out on these, you have to log in. If forced vaccines don’t kick people into refuse mode, nothing will. That is what scares me. We have gone silently to the slaughter so far. This is no time to wimp out.
Warren when you think the plandemic couldn’t get any worse.
There are plans you will have no choice.
Hope this video comes out. First ONE Woke. I’m not sure we’re it comes from but not the only Church across the country aware. I’ve seen others. I’m sure plans are being made in every state.
Church in Oklahoma. Got news the State of Oklahoma states everyone will be vaccinated and when that happens there will be road blocks and choke points where there is a high population of people. You either have proof of vaccine, take the vaccine or get loaded on s bus to Fort Riley.
He mentioned in Wisconsin someone observed palates of bracelets that will have a chip with your information that will be meant to be permanent.
That’s this is just one of the plans they’re discussing and in the works.
Something out of Jim Jones like up and drink the Cool Aid or else.
Mr. Copper, mruk re flu shots
I have been wondering about the possible link to flu shots with respect to Covid 19. The death toll in long care facilities and nursing homes across North America seems to be out of proportion to the general population. So we have weakened individuals at the latter stages of life who have received flu shots over and over again succumbing to this bug. I have never had a flu shot either and never will. My god-given immune system is just fine, thank you. I don’t need some pharma company strong-arming the medical types to “stick everybody you can”. Can we trust these guys to look after our best interests or just their own. Always follow the money. I spent some time watching the docu-series “The Truth About Vaccines 2020″. One of the experts in the series was Dr. Judy Mikovits, PHD who blew the whistle some years back in her career and was destroyed by the powers that be – Fauci – and others, but is still sounding the alarm about the way vaccines are administered. Goldielocks posted a great link to her speaking about this. Also this link https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/watch/plandemic-final_fPhAYGTlVYjzWVv.html?fbclid=IwAR2AbDL7NOCznclA8H4X1lbJOHvoc5XZAc6yungT-ruCJAldC34_mjdZ2Cw is not to be missed.
There is a clip somewhere of Bill Gates explaining an equation (hah) along the lines of ” CO2 = P + X + X + etc ” . He said P is the population and I can’t remember what the x’s are – doesn’t matter. So as far as he is concerned, to lower the atmospheric CO2, we have to reduce the population. Nice. Kind of rhymes with the globalists goal of reducing world population by billions. I wonder what will be in his covid19 vaccine that we will all have to get if he has his way probably along with a chip to make us into sheeple slaves. This is where I draw the line – no vaccines or other shots ever – unless I can be sure what is in it and that is not possible.
@ Ororeef – RE: Taxes
what you wrote on TAXES was EXCELLENT!!
Right On and very well said.
thanks for posting that.
Strange, Why No Big Mechanical Names?? Like Henry Ford or Johannes Gutenberg the printing press or Christopher Latham Sholes the Typewriter,
What about the Mechanical geniuses re the Moon Landing and Space Shuttle and COUNTLESS mechanical achievements.
All We Hear About Is These Big Electrical Type Buffoons Like Gates, or Zuckerberg?
Not ONE electrical device, computer, cell phone, etc etc can exist without METAL, and mechanical engineering, custom tooling, manufacturing methods, etc.
Where the equality? Why the bias? Why no equal status? Are Mechanics nothing?
Something to think about. Eventually, thru reversal, maybe famous accomplished mechanical engineers will be acknowledged. Like a Gates or Zuckerberg.
Electrical needs Mechanical. Mechanical does not need electrical. Every Electrical THING, depends on a Mechanical THING.
Look at all the electrical crap getting a free ride strapped onto a car engine.
Re: First Majestic
A mining CEO with cajones to kill the paper beast , instead of undercutting the value of the depleting ore resource , and screwing the stockholders .
FYI Lately My Biggest Dog CDE
Buygold @ 10:39
I’m grokking on that buddy. If they’re not forced to sell then delaying sales of silver at these low prices is a great move.
Not a bad day for the good guys. 🙂
mr copper @10:00
“…Who is the “president” of the World? President of the global commune ity. We need a NAME. Why no name yet?…”
it’s not just one guy. it’s more like a committee – actually a family. the name begins with “roth.”
Surprisingly good day
looks like a run back up to $1750 and HUI 290 might be on the horizon?
Surprising because the USD is up again. Go figure…
Martin Armstrong: Are Democrats Trying To Eliminate Proof Of Who You Are To Vote?
Authored by Martin Armstrong via ArmstrongEconomics.com,
Just when you thought it could not get any more corrupt, the Democrats have demonstrated to the world that they are beyond all morality, ethics, and are outright corrupt.
Tucked inside House Democrats’ new coronavirus bill is language that would create a loophole in states’ voter ID requirements, allowing people to cast ballots without having to prove who they are.
Mr.Copper @ 10:18
I agree with you.
But it all doesn’t matter — no rule of law will be re-established in America — unless the s bag in chief — the big O — is taken to task.
You gotta cut the head off a rotting corpse.
Ipso Re: First Majestic
This is what really caught my eye and is a smart move IMHO by Neumeyer.
7:00 am ET | |
Globe Newswire |
No reason to sell to the scum, especially silver down at these prices.
Twenty-Four Canadian Groups Say: Suspend 5G Until Proven Safe
OTTAWA, May 14, 2020 /CNW/ – Scientists and citizens groups from across Canada are demanding the right to say “No” to 5G in their neighbourhoods. Twenty four Canadian groups are banding together and appealing to the Trudeau government for a national moratorium on 5G roll out, until questions about its human health effects are resolved.
“This has nothing to do with Covid-19. All groups launching this Appeal condemn acts of violence such as burning antenna towers,” said one of the organizers. “The Parliamentary Health Committee has been investigating the negative health impacts of cell phones, cell towers and Wi-Fi for over a decade. So far the only assurance that it’s safe comes from the wireless companies profiting from it, but scientists disagree.”
@Captian, I agree with you 100%, I want NAMES unmasked on TV.
Gold looking good, we’re in gear.
@mruk, Roger That, All Sounds Right To Me. Thanks.
As far as I’m concerned, after 1975 and loss of manufacturing industry jobs,it was NOT a coincidence that so many new type fake jobs were created to help with the economic loss to the people. Unfortunately fake jobs cost other people money, and get no THINGS in return. Sales and Service don’t put food on the table.
The Gov’t has been supporting Airlines, Real Estate, and the entire Medical Industry. The way Farmers went bankrupt in the 1930s?? This new cycle will see hospitals doctors walk in clinics etc go bankrupt. And the Electronic Parts industry with trillions of unneeded parts in a car. Its crazy. Must be 40% cost of the car. 1970 5% was electronics. New cars would cost 40% less without welfare parts. And all the welfare auto mechanics making cash money with Check Engine Lites.
The American people have been doing financial cannibalism on themselves and don’t even KNOW it.
Mr.Copper @ 10:00
Are you kidding.
The media is getting paid by hi-level bureaucrats, who are in turn paid by the globalists/bankers/et al.
It’s your own government money paying the s bags off.
Have a good day.
@ipso facto @Captain Hook I Think The Globalists Are Running Out Of Runway.
And they KNOW it. And they NEED Trump. Somebody has to belly up to the bar and say the right things to the public. To me the big mystery is the Media. Sure we have names for this or that like Gates and Soros, but we do NOT have one big name for Media.
Who the HELL is deciding what false and misleading im-propaganda our friends and relatives are being told? Probably somebody a foreign nation. Like London? Who is the chief globalist. Who is the “president” of the World? President of the global commune ity. We need a NAME. Why no name yet?
He needs to be unmasked.
Which reminds me about Eric Holder who told the ATF to get gun dealers, to sell assault rifles to Mexicans, so the Media could say later on, Americans are selling guns to Mexico. We never found out. Holder stonewalled it. Who was his handler?
I’m with You, Copper
The whole idea of a flu shot is ludicrous, first off the dose has to be made approximately , what 9-12 months before being administered to a continually mutating virus, resulting in the pharmaceutical taking a S.W. A. G at what may work ( In their mind ) for the up coming flu seasons. Second all the many if not all of the additives for preservation of the vials of the supposed treatment are documented to be hazardous to the human body. The delivery system ( injection ) used for the medication tends to over whelm the the body’s response system. Also like you mentioned, I believe those that get the shot, tend to spread the illness further. The number of supposed deaths from the annual flus, have always been over stated, most of the deaths are from ” Flu like symptoms ” it is part of the business model, that data always seems to lag real time by a year or two. It is funny that it takes the powers to be ( CDC, NIH, WHO, and the all to many others ) that long to collate a vague, and sketchy history of the virulence when they themselves are collecting that hard data, yet at the same time expect us to believe, that they can portend the future, with pin point accuracy! I do have to give credit to Dr Fauci , as he did predict about two years ago that President Trump, would face a pandemic, just something to make you go, HHHHMMMMMMMMM ????? The real clincher for me that these vaccination do not work, is that the medical industry is always pushing for mandatory use, if it really worked, one would be impervious the the flu, and those around you with the ailment could not infect you, at which point people would get the shot on their own volition, but once again that does not fit the business model ( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ )!
First Majestic takes tax dispute in Mexico to arbitration
First Majestic Silver (NYSE:AG) (TSX:FR) has initiated an arbitration process against Mexico under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) over a dispute involving how the silver producer is taxed in the country.
The Canadian miner said the notice served the Mexican government kicks off a 90-day process for the López Obrador administration to enter into negotiations with the company.
First Majestic argues the tax authority has “exhibited a total disregard for the applicable provisions of three separate double taxation treaties”. It also said the agency had “unlawfully opted to ignore” an advanced pricing agreement, governing the tax on silver sales between 2010-2014 by the miner’s subsidiary Primero Empresa Minera.
Mr.Copper @ 8:55
The whole idea behind the now ramping vaccination push is to in fact kill you.
The government would not mind if older and non-productive pensioners sucking off the Ponzi drop dead as this will help with their deficits considerably not having to follow through with their idiot promises.
That’s why you can be sure all those in nursing homes will be getting their shots every year.
And they are of course going to work on the weak in poor countries, which is why Trudeau just sent Gates a pile of Canadian tax payer money to help out his buddy.
It’s the buddy system with the globalists don’t you know?
I think most of the people we know who got the flu last year also received the flu shot, previously.
Re Virus Data, How Many Victims In Nursing Homes Had A Flu Shot?
Maybe vulnerable people don’t need a tiny dose of flu to avoid the flu. And it turns into a corona virus problem.
And who even needs regular people taking flu shots, getting a low dose of sickness, and then walking around the supermarket spreading that around?
Are people all over the world taking flu shots too? I think these shots are just another unneeded consumer product. I never took one and never will.
Anybody here suspicious about absolutely no media talk about regular Flu shots?