This family in my neighborhood in Canada that doesn’t work unless they’re desperate. Wife is part time coffee maiden. Only steady job in the house. 2 parents, 3 young adults.
They live in a 2800sqft all brick, no idea how they pay for it. But they have been constantly shopping lately. So a neighbor asked what’s up.
They have been given over $10,000 in “emergency” money from trudeau!!!!
I’m fucking pissed
I fuckin’ hate turdeau!! Never voted for the spoiled trust fund faggot. We’ve got to stop rewarding people for being lazy as shit, couch surfing welfare bums. Up here, you’re ‘rewarded’ for spitting out more bastard children not even knowing who the father is.
Through increased unemployment payments people were making much more money sitting at home than they were on the job…and Trump dollars hit and put an extra $3k in the wallet they bought a bunch of shit online, no good news here.
But I don’t fault the beneficiaries…good for them. The government has lavished trillions of dollars to some of the least deserving corporate executives for the past 50 years. At least the common man gets to enjoy a good last meal before it all falls to shit. CANADA=