I haven’t looked up what Obummer was doing but probably taking anything was part of it. It was so sad to see that little girl think she was 7 little blond girl get murdered in a park there by a immigrant woman cutting her throat while she was riding her bike at the park. So much crime and they all say the same thing they have mental problems. But they let them in. Saw something kinda funny how France was redirecting immigrant boats from Africa to England but England didn’t think it was funny. Why don’t they just close the borders send them back? Merkel? Let Merkel take them then.
That’s a Rothschild move. He did that here in the early 1900s. He’d get a bunch of people from different countries poor uneducated give them jobs. He figured they have different cultures different languages he thought wrong. Colorado massacre was a example of a camp uprising when they drew fire on the coal miners they were taking advantage of.
Looks like they are trying to do the same again but now using religion and against the citizens this time to implement their nwo order of slaves.
I have no idea why they use zoom other than it’s not their money they’re spending it’s ours so why should they care. That’s their MO then wonder how they’re gonna pay for it.