“These big fat guys are prone to heart attacks. That’s what I heard about the recent one. He was not healthy. Like I said in my prior post, if a suspect is dangerous, like a wild animal, they need use tranquilizer dart guns. Or maybe big nets.
Maybe the cops, when they confront a subject, instead of saying…”You have the right to remain silent”? They should announce a disclaimer….
“Warning, If you resist arrest, you may end up dead, and your neighborhood on fire”
That’s an interesting statement/comment. Maybe the cop thought the same thing, that this big black guy, even though handcuffed, was still a wild animal?
Not sure there should be cops on the street with those predispositions.
What I find even more repulsive is that the other three cops did nothing while this cop had his knee on the neck of George Floyd for 9 minutes while he died a slow death.
Maybe I’ve gotten too old to distinguish right from wrong.