I met a city Fireman Cop, Fire police I think they are called. He was at a suspected arson scene. Several of the neighbors brought a suspect to his attention. He confronts the suspect, a very big minority guy, askes a few questions, then tells the guy…”I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to come with me”.
The BIG guy says…”I ain’t goin wich chu no place pal.” With that, the fire cop gets on his little radio and says…..”I need help here, and you better bring an ambulance too” The suspect says. ..
“Hey wait, why you need a ambulance?” “Because we probably going need it for you” the cop says. The big guy says, “Ok ah com wich cha” Cop said he was so big he needed two sets of hand cuffs.
These big fat guys are prone to heart attacks. That’s what I heard about the recent one. He was not healthy. Like I said in my prior post, if a suspect is dangerous, like a wild animal, they need use tranquilizer dart guns. Or maybe big nets.
Maybe the cops, when they confront a subject, instead of saying…”You have the right to remain silent”? They should announce a disclaimer….
“Warning, If you resist arrest, you may end up dead, and your neighborhood on fire”