OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Again me after the 2008 Crash, Situation, No Discipline, Globalization is Communism and Failing

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 16:09 on June 10, 2020  

Good Morning Guys (Mr.Copper) Sep 22, 09:14

I think the global financial system needs a father.

When we were kids and we misbehaved, it was common for your mom to say…..

“You just wait till your father comes home, you’re gunna get it”

There is no discipline with the system. When real man’s Gold was in charge, we had automatic discipline. Now the girlymen have been in charge.

Now we have a no-gold divorced “Mommy” in charge, and she refuses to discipline the Wall Street kids. Now she really has problems.

If I remember right, decades ago people who didn’t pay bills went to jail. “Debtors prison” I think they called it.

Nowadays they reward the deadbeat with a lower price and better terms, or just foreclose and buy a cheaper foreclosure.

The system is a joke. πŸ™‚


Bottom Line (Mr.Copper) Sep 22, 13:48

If its the US tax payer, (employer and employee) that has been financing and or bailing out most domestic and foreign banks now,

then global powers that be had better get their heads out of their asses fast, and DROP us taxes, and RAISE all foreign country taxes. (business and employees) It’s very simple.

All their efforts so far has been a “rain dance”, so in reality they are doing nothing but Ken Lay type things until they hit a wall.

They are whistling past the graveyard.

Bottom Line of bottom line:

They must WANT this system to implode so they can start a new one, but simply want a slower implosion. They are giving everyone more warnings and more time to get financial matters in order.

They are giving the smarter people (including gold bugs) more time rotate liquid assets into Gold and Silver investments.

Those people will be the leaders of tomorrow, and have influence. Possibly financing or backing loans, naturally with 25-50% down.

We will be making the rules. The anti Gold Girlymen like Robert Rubin and Altman will be pushed aside like a dirty wet dishrag.

They will need jobs at Home Depot. πŸ™‚



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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.