No one to speak for history or the dead, not even the historians. Thanks for the tour of what might be was. A generation of entitlement that had too much handed to them.
When you got groups of people turning city’s into hell holes where they destroy everything that was built, even schools them you complain about their neighborhoods, their torn up schools and no money no one every asks they why that happened.
The blacks taking cues from Demos seem to be working against everything the blacks valued. They wanted to learn to read and the three Rs not fight the teachers, they wanted to own property and businesses nor destroy it. In fact after the civil war they started to do just that with a little help. They even pushed for free schooling for everyone.
I guess when welfare and housing projects came along things changed to entitlement. White kids too from both schools propaganda and parents handing them too much without working for it. Like the cartoon characters and guns they know they can’t get to us to give up our second amendment so they’ll work through the kids to believe they don’t need them and only associate gun by the thugs and the crazy’s. Perhaps history is another strategy and then rewrite it.
Here’s a extreme example of entitlement.
Woman complains to cops some men have guns protecting their store she wants to loot. Crazy lol
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