Yep benefit the demos and using race again. Demos becoming nothing but a race centered party. If they can’t get their way they throw race in it. Maybe the demos Should start weeding out race baiters and work on something productive. All it’s saying is their party is a Constitutional and economic failure has no plan it’s all about get Trump who makes them look bad because they are, no policy’s that’s do any good, ignore the constitution like lawless crazy manics and think they can cheat there way into power. A party of thugs. Do they think people are so stupid that they will think it’s Trumps fault the economy’s struggling or looters destroying in Democrat states? It’s only a further extension of their failures and basic uselessness.
Seattle for instance was already turning into a third world mess before this attack on the city by the homeless.
They were only second to Sam Francisco for homelessness and crime. The business owners and citizens were complaining akewady about it, Homeless were Parked all over the place making messes and health risks. Drugs were everywhere, and the mayor calls it the summer of love. Was her inaction supposed to be a surprise?
No help Or housing for the mentally ill, No help or housing for the drug addicted, no help with rising housing costs.
So this barricade is supposed to be a surprise she dies nothing? Same in other cities.
Ipso 20:14
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