One of the main reasons why is to make people feel confident to go out and shop etc…the vast majority say the exact opposite, they will do everything on line.
Which if true will kill the High st and send unemployment through the roof plus wrecking even further gu’mint finances etc.
I just saw this comment regarding the same in Germany…and it is the same in a lot of countries…if so the recovery ain’t coming and the SM’s are way over priced..
One of the main reason Germany introduced the „Maskenpflicht“ was that it was a visible reminder to people that the virus was still around. Therefore, it is designed to prevent a return to normal. I find that it generates paranoia in the more sensitive Bürger*innen. A couple of weeks ago girl in my office had to provide coffee to a meeting and she had to wear a mask and gloves to do so. As she was putting on the gloves, I noticed her hands were shaking. It is designed to scare people.
The economic effects of this madness are now becoming clear. Retail trade in Germany is suffering badly because people only go to shops for essential purchases. Although some Länder are demanding an end to the facemask rule, I notice that this is widely dismissed. On the contrary, the measures are being increased. For example, DB recently extended this rule to open-air platforms and Merkel stated yesterday that any local outbreak would lead to an automatic ban on travel from any affected area.
If there is a second wave – and it is inevitable considering the criteria used – a devastating economic crash awaits.