Deutsche Bank’s Top Credit Strategist Makes Stunning Admission: “I Am A Gold Bug; Fiat Money Is A Passing Fad In The History Of Money”
Furthermore, as DB’s Jim Reid notes, on a YTD basis, Gold (+21.4%) and Silver (+19.3%) have had standout moves compared with global risk – which as a reminder is what central banks are doing everything they can to prop up – even if WTI (-26.1%) is down.
What followed next was shocking as it came from the mouth of a respected legacy banker and not some tinfoil conspiracy theorist: admitting that he is “a gold bug”, Reid says that in his opinion, “fiat money will be a passing fad in the long-term history of money”, a shocking admission for most financial professionals who are expected who are expected to tow the Keynesian line and also believe in the primary of fiat and its reserve currency, the US Dollar.