This reminds me of Vietnam. We could have won that war on a weekend, but it seemed like we were fighting with one hand tied behind our backs. So I figured, special interests economic logic, they wanted the war to last as long as possible .
So to make the Police “give cookies and milk” to rioters, it means to me they want the rioting to continue last longer, don’t squash it and win. For what? Hurt Trumps reelection? Distract the publics attention away from a collapsing economy?
Or maybe TPTB are sympathetic to all the unfortunate victims of globalization and take blame for exporting their jobs.
Remember “Free Trade”? (more like a free for all) “Fast Track”? (liquidation of America) “Most favored nation “cookies and milk” trade status” for China?
It was REALLY just favored US corporations trade ability to off shore. The corporations obviously had very good lobbyists, confronting our ass hole lobbyists called Congressman.