OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

There was a time

Posted by Ororeef @ 9:14 on July 12, 2020  

when a depression made people stronger in character, society was poor but stable ,no GUNS were needed    !  few people had them  ;now they been taught by university Communists to RIOT until they get what they want and society is poor and unstable  and you NEED a GUN   everybody ‘s got at least one…….History repeats but NOT in the same way..

ipso facto @ 17:26 on July 11, 2020

Posted by Ororeef @ 8:58 on July 12, 2020  

In 1993 ..I sold my business and decided to go to San Francisco,,ended up at Haight Ashbury where I came across to teen age girls sleeping in a Doorway .

One sez to the other “It wouldent be so bad if it werent for the lice !  ” I figured hippie wasent something I missed !  It was something I had avoided  …I enjoyed the rest of California …I spent 6 weeks there from San Diego to San Fran ..over to Lake Tahoe  then back to San Fran and flew home..My son lives in San Diego through today ..Now he’s got 4 children and they are having a difficult time finding  a living wage there,,,,NO HIPPIES anymore   !

Mr.Copper @ 17:38 on July 11, 2020

Posted by Ororeef @ 8:37 on July 12, 2020  

in 1963  I was 25 ,had 3kids + ..was driving a RED Ford , Thunderbird ”  owned a small house ..was making a good living  ,had a Stock portfolio  …by 1970 s  everything changed ….So ya better save some money for a rainey day ….them 1975 it changed again and I had the biggest run ever until 1987   …crash  and so it goes …dont confuse Genius with a Bull Market ….!  Ride the bull market then take the money and RUN…..RUN

Nasdq Gold– looks like “they” have hitched both together except for 2nd half 0f 18 and first half of 2019 ,whats their plan ? link them together until they cant …We see what they are up to….!

Posted by Ororeef @ 8:22 on July 12, 2020  


Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 2:04 on July 12, 2020  


Security Analysts onboard… Long Omaha



Posted by goldielocks @ 1:04 on July 12, 2020  

That’s why I have a revolver so I don’t have to worry about the clips and jamming.
They’re faster easier to shoot though until the jam. Sounds like he did his neighborhood a favor.

Homeowner Opens Fire, Kills Two of Three Home Invasion Suspects

Posted by Ororeef @ 22:26 on July 11, 2020  

The two intruders who were shot and killed by a Wesley Chapel homeowner were identified by the Pasco County Sheriff's Office as Luis Casado, left, and Khyle Durham, both 21. [Pasco County Sheriff's Office]
Pasco County Sheriff’s Office

A Wesley Chapel, Florida, homeowner shot and killed two out of three home invasion suspects Friday morning.

Fox 35 reports that the homeowner was playing video games when he heard glass breaking just before 1:00 a.m. He retrieved a gun and shot one suspect in a hallway, then fired again when a second suspect allegedly appeared in the hallway with a gun.

Sheriff Chris Nocco says the suspect fired his gun, then it jammed. The homeowner shot him. Then a third suspect appeared in the hallway. The homeowner shot the third suspect as well.

The homeowner’s gun then jammed and he went to grab another gun. When he returned he saw that the third suspect had gotten up and fled the scene.

The Tampa Bay Times reports that the first gun the homeowner retrieved was a Glock 19 and the second was a  Kriss Vector 10mm semi-automatic rifle.

Two of the three suspects died at the scene. The third was hospitalized.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. You can sign up to get Down Range

Alex Valdor Thanks for your 1 C-note pledge!

Posted by ipso facto @ 19:48 on July 11, 2020  

7-11—Credit Bubble Bulletin

Posted by Richard640 @ 19:28 on July 11, 2020  
That sick feeling in my stomach returned this week: this is out of control. COVID is out of control. Market speculation is out of control. And it’s this combination that recalls the unease I was experiencing back in February, as a speculative marketplace was content to completely disregard mounting pandemic risk.

Tesla was up another 28% this week, boosting one-month gains to 51% and its year-to-date advance to 269%. With market capitalization of $287 billion, Tesla is the poster child for stock prices divorced from underlying fundamentals. Yet this dynamic is anything but limited to big Nasdaq stocks. At this point, panic buying and short squeeze dynamics have destabilized markets – from U.S. and Chinese equities to global stocks, corporate bonds and commodities. Did Beijing this week willfully administer a deathblow to shorts in Chinese equities and the renminbi – a squeeze that quickly broadened to the industrial commodities and global equities, more generally?

It’s not unusual for short squeezes to unfold even in the face of deteriorating fundamentals. There is often a final “blow-off” fueled by a confluence of speculative excess, panicked short covering, and derivative-related trading. It’s a key facet of late-cycle Craziness.


Ira Epstein

Posted by ipso facto @ 17:50 on July 11, 2020  

Mr.Copper @ 17:38

Posted by ipso facto @ 17:43 on July 11, 2020  

A few years later when I had to support myself I remember there was always jobs to be had and you could support yourself with what you made. Back when a buck was a buck and minimum wage was $1.35.

Will be on the lookout for your check.

$5.50 was a pretty good wage for 1969.

ipso facto @ 17:26

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 17:38 on July 11, 2020  

In 1969 I was 25 years old, fabricating prototype precision sheet metal parts, had a brand new 1969 Camaro and two kids 2 and 3 years old. On $5.50 per hour. Paid off the three year loan in a year and a half.

Btw my check went into the mail box few hours ago. Probably take 4 days. From the east coast.


Posted by ipso facto @ 17:26 on July 11, 2020  

In 69 when I was 14 my friends and I would take the train up the peninsula to San Francisco. We’d got to the Haight Ashbury and buy the Berkeley Barb for the scantily clad women, we’d go to Chinatown and buy flick open knives, firecrackers, and naked women playing cards. We’d go to Fisherman’s Wharf and tour the old ships. It was great adventure for young kids.

When you’re 14 you think you’ll live forever. 🙂

Later in 72 I marched in the Nixon Inauguration Day protest march there. There was no violence I saw and no one broke windows or looted stores.

PS I remember that there was a Hong Kong Flu but it sure didn’t affect anything.


Posted by treefrog @ 16:26 on July 11, 2020  

i liked the 1968 pandemic better.  they called it the “hong kong flu”  it hit in the winter/early spring of 68, eased off in the summer,  coming back for a second season (a bit lighter) in the fall.  it killed about 100,000 to 150,000 – depending which report you read –  in the u. s. population of 200 million.  mostly  its victims were the elderly and those who were pretty sick already.

nobody closed anything down, nobody wore masks (except at hallow’een) nobody had to stay six feet apart (my girlfriend and i liked that part).  no state governors got involved, no “emergencies” were declared, nobody washed their hands more (or less) than they had before.  there wasn’t a shortage of toilet paper.

just how did we respond?  well, not very much.  a bunch of crazies ran wild at the democ rat convention in chicago.   (how many of you remember abbie hoffman and the “yippies?”)  a lot of young people went to a farm in upstate new york and listened to music about aquarius, and some of them made love in the fields.  they called it “woodstock.”  my girlfriend and i didn’t go there.  instead, we went to california and ingested some interesting recreational chemicals.  i had been there the summer (“of love”) before, and liked it.

that was an election year too.  nixon was elected.  i was underwhelmed.


High risk appetite

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:11 on July 11, 2020  

Zimbabwe gold mines lure investor despite economic ruin

Zimbabwe’s biggest gold mines are being snapped up by Mauritius-based Sotic International Ltd. as the price of bullion soars to the highest in more than eight years.

Landela Mining Ventures Ltd., which is controlled by Sotic, bought two of Zimbabwe’s gold mines this year. The newcomer is targeting six more mines, including four idled state-owned operations, said Sotic Chief Executive Officer David Brown. That expanding mining portfolio has strategic importance as gold is the biggest source of dollars in a nation facing foreign-currency shortages.

“Gold is a commodity with potential positive impacts,” Brown said in a phone interview from Johannesburg. “We want to grow the resource base to provide upside for both company and country.”

Brown said Sotic is backed by Cayman Islands-registered Almas Global Opportunity Fund, but he declined to name other investors. Last year, Sotic acquired control of Bindura Nickel Corp., Zimbabwe’s biggest nickel operation.

Zimbabwe gold mines lure investor despite economic ruin

JOEVID – 19 a plausible parable

Posted by treefrog @ 9:57 on July 11, 2020  

joe works hard and makes good money…
one of joe’s co-workers tests positive for cv-19 so joe has to get tested even though he has no symptoms…
joe tests positive (asymptomatic)…
test lab reports one confirmed cv-19 case (but not joe’s name – privacy laws).
joe has to self-isolate. (no hard work, no good money)
four days later, joe gets another test (he wants to go back to work, and can’t until he tests clean. he tests positive again (damn!).
test lab reports one confirmed cv-19 case (but not joe’s name- privacy laws)
five days later, joe’s impatient, wants to work, tests again. positive again. (DAMN!!).
test lab reports one confirmed cv-19 case (but not joe’s name- privacy laws)
another five days, joe’s getting short of money, he tests again. he tests clean (negative for virus). he goes back to work.

one guy, one infection, THREE confirmed cv-19 cases.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 3:20 on July 11, 2020  


Halloween Pumpkins



Posted by goldielocks @ 2:36 on July 11, 2020  

That was a good articke by FGC too.
I know people who said they won’t go to the hospital if they get it. I can assume it’s after watching what was going on in NY and can understand it especially if they don’t know other options they can demand instead.
That and irrational fear avoiding the doctor when needing it for other things.
It appears but can’t say for sure the Doctor on SNG video is on the up and up.
You don’t have to go to the hospital in early stages with this treatment. You can bring a nebulizer home and take the antibiotics. They just have to learn not to take more treatments than subscribed.
Now hopefully if this is really working that well there won’t be a shortage on nebulizers.


Posted by goldielocks @ 2:07 on July 11, 2020  

That was very good video, yes everyone should watch it because he saved people with co- morbiditys too.
I mentioned this on comments so save typing while adding.
NIH wants to wait until your at deaths door before giving the Budesonide apparently like the hydroxy so they can say it doesn’t work. That’s murder vs greed to push their vaccine. So when they do it know already it works not the lie it doesn’t. Many doctors want to do what’s best for their patients and are saving lives. What is Fauci doing? Sabotaging and trying to discredit these doctors the same way as he and cohorts discredited and got rid of scientists who found harmful effects to vaccines and contamination viruses causing disease and letting people die waiting for a vaccine. Don’t wear a mask, do wear a mask on and on.
In hydroxy trials beside waiting till at deaths door some were giving overdose of the drug. Instead of 200 mg were giving 800-1200mg basically murdering them in the U.K. then discrediting the drug.
Looks like there gonna do the same thing waiting too long. By then also blood clots could be a factor cutting off airway and circulation due to the inflammation.


Posted by goldielocks @ 1:59 on July 11, 2020  

Buygold brother had it. I know someone who got it.

You gotta watch this one and pass it on. Time to break the fear barrier, and watching this one will do the trick!

Posted by silverngold @ 0:29 on July 11, 2020  


COVID – 19

Posted by treefrog @ 23:24 on July 10, 2020  

i still don’t know anybody who has been sick with the coronavirus.  i have a pretty wide circle of acquaintances.  i personally know 400 or 500 people.  friends, family, business associates, other members of a fellowship, neighbors, etc.

all the people who have been sick with the bat – clap are people i have not met.

All the info about covid you may want from a Swiss Doctor

Posted by newtogold @ 21:25 on July 10, 2020  

Thanks go out to Fully as I borrowed this from him. Filled with references backing each and every assertion. A treasure chest of info on what is the real deal IMHO. https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/

Richard640 @ 15:33 re: Tesla

Posted by ipso facto @ 17:50 on July 10, 2020  

Must be those Robinhood folks I keep hearing about. They rob from themselves to give to the banks and brokers. 🙂

Not a great day for the PM shares but the week as a whole was pretty good. The HUI hasn’t been here for a long time.

Posted by ipso facto @ 17:35 on July 10, 2020  

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.