Holding Ely Gold Royalty which is up for me 73% in 6 weeks. Irving resources a later bloomer for me but just starting to pop now. Good stocks and winners in my book. DYODD
Where Did You All Go? Left To Take A Nap? Lots Of Posts Before Noon. I pull up a chair and you all disappear?
Anyway, FYI some miners that caught my attention recently, and added them to my watchlists. ARNGF ARMZF CELTF CORVF DPMLF ELYGF IRVRF SILV. Naturally they are not blue chip miners, so you guys know the story. High risk but high return.
ipso facto @ 8:15
Yeah this is no time to be flying. I dunno about Boeing… with airlines mothballing fleets, I think it will be a long time waiting for new airplane orders. And they still have to get rid of the backup of MAXes if they can ever get them to fly reliably.
The other day a United 777 limped into Honolulu after blowing out an engine over the Pacific. (They only have two) Seems some mechanic back on the mainland inspected and re-installed a turbine blade that was cracked! Obviously it didn’t last long.
Gold back to near Hi’s but shares lagging
but Ag st6uck under 18.00…no doubt scum offering like mad at $ 18.00.
treefrog @ 11:21
Good luck! I’m pretty full up on that one.
Six Different Spot Gold Price Percent Gains in Six Various Countries in Five Years
So the British currency (and Canadian) is debased the most, Japanese currency is the strongest currency. Swiss, USA, and Euro currency, seem pegged to each other. Equal debasement.
British + 89%
Canada + 63%
Switzerland + 52%
USA + 51%
Euro + 48%
Japan + 33%
In Brazil Gold is up 157%,
Mexico up 118%
S. Africa up 108%
Russia up 88%,
India up 80%,
China up 72%,
Svweeden up 66%
Australia up 64%
Gold owners in Brazil are looking good at 157%, but what about their cost of living? Did Gold save them?
Large Denomination Paper Money Does Not Lose Value Over Time, Huh? :)
Are Any of These Bills Left in Circulation?
There sure are, but don’t expect to find a $500 bill the next time you make an ATM withdrawal. The Treasury announced on July 14, 1969, that it would quit issuing the $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 notes immediately, since the bills were so sparsely circulated.
When the Treasury discontinued the bills, they rapidly fell out of circulation. However, a few are still lingering; as of May 2009, there were still 336 $10,000 bills at large. At the same time, Slate reported that there were also 342 $5,000 bills and 165,732 $1,000 bills still floating around.
If They’re Out of Circulation, Can You Still Spend Them?
Although the Treasury is no longer issuing these bills, according to the Fed they’re still legal tender. So yes, although it would probably raise some eyebrows, you could walk into Best Buy and plunk down a $1,000 bill to pay for a new plasma TV.
That wouldn’t be the smartest move, though. Most of the high-denomination bills that are left in circulation are in collectors’ safes, and at auction the bills tend to fetch prices that far exceed their face values. For instance, a pristine $10,000 bill can command a price as high as $140,000 on the open market.
ipso, 10:19
thanx for the heads up re skeena. i just added a little on the dip.
This come back is a good taste
that there really is only one seller out there, the scum…….and lots of people are going to looking at todays action and saying, what was all that about, as the selling started 1/2 hr before the numbers came out…..they will be asking …why would any sane person do that and then a while on the Web, will tell them that their own government is doing it…..
Once upon a time governments left barely a footprint inn the mkts, now they stomp all over the shop.
Morning Buygold
I like this New Era! 🙂
GLD & SLV now positive
Never see a comeback like this on a jobs report day!
Morning Ipso
This is a new era.
I think. At least that’s what I did at the open and it’s working so far. 🙂
Spot gold goes positive, up $1.70
Gold was down $12 at one point pre-market
Silver coming back nicely too.
The Pimpess … better watch her back!
Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested In New Hampshire
OUCH! Gold miners take one right in the kisser on the open
Oh the humanity!
No gold for you!
Britain recognizes Guaido as Venezuela’s president in gold dispute, judge rules
LONDON (Reuters) – Britain has recognized Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as the country’s president, the English High Court ruled on Thursday, in a case over whether Guaido or Nicolas Maduro should control $1 billion of its gold stored in London.
Morning Buygold
The FX mkt has probably remembered the last report, where the BLS ‘estimated@ a record number of new starts up’s occurred under lockdown.
This could all reverse very quickly…Gold already plus 9 off the scum created low..
Ororeef @ 9:16
There but for the grace of God …
Trumpsters are better managers
Domocraps are Emotional Drama Queens !
TSLA plus $ 100 and now worth more than Toyota, were going full on Wiemar, with turbo chargers and super chargers strapped on to the bus and the accelerator is jammed fully open…..the driver is on his 2nd quart of JD and has just dropped his spliff and is trying to pick it up, while still steering one handed….we have no worries.
Wheres ma Fill on ma merket buy orderrrrr!!!!!!
ipso facto @ 9:09 on July 2, 2020
Its very STABLE at ZERO !