OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

This agenda is starting to piss me off. Really worth the 10 minutes to hear Ben Swan explain how they will try to coerce people into taking this vaccine, using every psychological means they can think of..

Posted by silverngold @ 23:52 on August 10, 2020  


8-9-insiders sold more than 33 times as much stock as they purchased.

Posted by Richard640 @ 23:23 on August 10, 2020  

Welcome to edition 528 of Insider Weekends. Insider buying increased last week with insiders purchasing $172.17 million of stock compared to $88.83 million in the week prior. Selling also increased significantly with insiders selling $5.71 billion of stock last week compared to $1 billion in the week prior. With many companies already reporting earnings, we are likely to see a slew of insider purchases in the coming weeks.

Sell/Buy Ratio: The insider Sell/Buy ratio is calculated by dividing the total insider sales in a given week by total insider purchases that week. The adjusted ratio for last week went up to 33.14. In other words, insiders sold more than 33 times as much stock as they purchased. The Sell/Buy ratio this week compares unfavorably with the prior week, when the ratio stood at 11.28.


Posted by Ororeef @ 23:11 on August 10, 2020  


more Violence coming

Posted by Ororeef @ 22:48 on August 10, 2020  

Donald Trump Leaves Abruptly During Press Conference After Shooting Outside the White House


Posted by ipso facto @ 21:34 on August 10, 2020  

Welcome back!

My wife suspected she had covid

Posted by eeos @ 21:32 on August 10, 2020  

I didn’t buy it but she insisted on going to the emergency room. Our local hospital Rose Medical Center billed her insurance for $11,400.00 for 90 minutes of testing in which she owes $400 (her deductable). Tell me it’s not a scam, how can they rip people off so badly. We had no local clinic that would see her. They all denied her and told her to go to the ER. Scam Nation


Posted by goldielocks @ 21:27 on August 10, 2020  

Lol Something I can comment on. I saw a live stream of their summer of love.They don’t even trust each other out there. Based on fake news on a shooting the fake news lied about the circumstances. Just makes a excuse for them to go out and loot. The person doing the video wasn’t stealing just out there and you could hear in the background one guy saying he saw a store that wasn’t touched yet.
I guess some people living in the high rises were dumping urine on them.


Posted by goldielocks @ 21:17 on August 10, 2020  

The leg cramps have to see how many Mg is in the active ingredients. I’m thinking something you could take in small doses if you area is epidemic and have to be out and about as a low maintenance dose or for children depending on the total dose of ingredients. Basically be the same for fruit depending on how much you made and a recall of some fruit including lemons with listeria.

Looting in Chicago Over The Weekend

Posted by commish @ 20:41 on August 10, 2020  


WPM reports soon

Posted by Ororeef @ 20:01 on August 10, 2020  

its a leadership Stock and may end any downside theories about where we are  !


Posted by Maya @ 19:15 on August 10, 2020  

Thanks for the tip RE: quinine pills.  The homeopathic ones for leg cramps are probably worthless for viral treatment, but I found on eBay Peruvian bark  Cinchona Officinalis quinine pills and also liquid extract.


Posted by goldielocks @ 18:48 on August 10, 2020  

I don’t know him, he was my daughter in laws friends husband. They have kids so this sudden death she’s kinda hysterical right now it is said. Most are okay when they get it some are not.
All the more insult by people like Gates using this lab created virus to push climate change which wasn’t even a natural occurrence and chips he calls dot tattoos.
He’s also supporting leftist groups.

In case any of you are taking all this covid-19 testing seriously, better read this! Says COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless

Posted by silverngold @ 17:05 on August 10, 2020  

Bulgarian Pathology Association Says COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless

The Bulgarian Pathology Association published a paper concluding that PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool for SARS-CoV-2, yet these are the tests used to determine case numbers and death statistics to justify lockdowns, masks, social distancing, contact tracing, and more. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology, said PCR as inappropriate to detect a viral infection. Furthermore, researchers have failed to prove that the virus is even a novel virus, meaning it could be any one or a group of virusus that have been harmlessly circulating for decades. [The significance of this is that the government mandate to” test-test-test” has only one purpose, and it is not to detect COVID-19. It is to produce statistics for a bogus second wave.] -GEG

Lockdowns and hygienic measures around the world are based on numbers of cases and mortality rates created by the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used to identify “positive” patients, whereby “positive” is usually equated with “infected.”

But looking closely at the facts, the conclusion is that these PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool to determine an alleged infection by a supposedly new virus called SARS-CoV-2.


At the media briefing on COVID-19 on March 16, 2020, the WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said:

We have a simple message for all countries: test, test, test.”

The message was spread through headlines around the world, for instance by Reuters and the BBC.

Still on the 3 of May, the moderator of the heute journal — one of the most important news magazines on German television— was passing the mantra of the corona dogma on to his audience with the admonishing words:

Test, test, test—that is the credo at the moment, and it is the only way to really understand how much the coronavirus is spreading.”

This indicates that the belief in the validity of the PCR tests is so strong that it equals a religion that tolerates virtually no contradiction.

But it is well known that religions are about faith and not about scientific facts. And as Walter Lippmann, the two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and perhaps the most influential journalist of the 20th century said: “Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.”

So to start, it is very remarkable that Kary Mullis himself, the inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology, did not think alike. His invention got him the Nobel prize in chemistry in 1993.

Unfortunately, Mullis passed away last year at the age of 74, but there is no doubt that the biochemist regarded the PCR as inappropriate to detect a viral infection.

The reason is that the intended use of the PCR was, and still is, to apply it as a manufacturing technique, being able to replicate DNA sequences millions and billions of times, and not as a diagnostic tool to detect viruses.

How declaring virus pandemics based on PCR tests can end in disaster was described by Gina Kolata in her 2007 New York Times article Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.


Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the PCR tests used to identify so-called COVID-19 patients presumably infected by what is called SARS-CoV-2 do not have a valid gold standard to compare them with.

This is a fundamental point. Tests need to be evaluated to determine their preciseness — strictly speaking their “sensitivity”[1] and “specificity” — by comparison with a “gold standard,” meaning the most accurate method available.

As an example, for a pregnancy test the gold standard would be the pregnancy itself. But as Australian infectious diseases specialist Sanjaya Senanayake, for example, stated in an ABC TV interview in an answer to the question “How accurate is the [COVID-19] testing?”:

If we had a new test for picking up [the b


Posted by ipso facto @ 16:40 on August 10, 2020  

Please check your emails and get back to me.


My dad eagle eye always told me Barrick

Posted by eeos @ 16:31 on August 10, 2020  

were a bunch of crooks that couldn’t be trusted. The darth vader of miners

Maddog, Recent Interview With Barrick Gold CEO Expects Prices to Settle at a New Base

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:34 on August 10, 2020  

@Woof Woof re Scum Bashing

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:09 on August 10, 2020  

I think its just the normal weaving and Bobbing.


USD Flipped positive

Posted by Buygold @ 14:55 on August 10, 2020  

Gold took the bait.

Silver holding on. Shares not so much.

Pretty ugly reversal for gold.

scum have never let up all day in Au and now it is near the lows…happy scum.

Posted by Maddog @ 14:37 on August 10, 2020  

classic scum action …no real bounce allowed, just constant pressure.

Silver selling

Posted by redneckokie1 @ 14:37 on August 10, 2020  

A lot of people will be selling the $29.12 area in silver futures. That was the high of the day before the reversal down. Their stops will be above the Friday’s high so tomorrow may be bumpy.


@Maddog, sssssshhhhhh!!! I suspect is normal because of the past.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:43 on August 10, 2020  

re your..”

We know what happens as soon as we get complacent/happy…the clubbing starts.

NEM is down on the day, which does not portend well, at all…..and what was a looking like v fast recovery, was stopped and reversed..

and look at the way the S&P has recovered…..I’d say what we have so far is being ‘allowed’..no more.


NEM charts looks fine to me, even thought I would never buy it, its too big like a fund to me. A lower price portends well for people who want to buy. We really don’t need a V shaped fast recovery because that means higher rates and higher Dollar and a head wind on the US economy. As for the SnP so high in the graveyard in the sky? Who cares?

To me its just people buying an inferior or different “inflation hedge”.  In our case Gold and Silver imo is rising because of the worn out 1913 Fed Res Note DBA illegally or fraudulently as “US Dollar” and the dopey/dollar past of constantly losing value over time, has a bad reputation or track record, and mechanically losing preference against Gold. The original US Dollar.


Posted by treefrog @ 13:13 on August 10, 2020  

gsr breaking below 70.   …historical 16???

Mr Copper….sssssshhhhhh!!!

Posted by Maddog @ 12:59 on August 10, 2020  

We know what happens as soon as we get complacent/happy…the clubbing starts.

NEM is down on the day, which does not portend well, at all…..and what was a loking like v fast recovery, was stopped and reversed..

and look at the way the S&P has recovered…..I’d say what we have so far is being ‘allowed’..no more.


@Richie, IMO, Helicopter Ben looks Stingy and Thrifty Compared To Treasury Sec J. Powel

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:44 on August 10, 2020  

Obviously the present pump situation is far worse than the prior pump needs. They can’t fix this system, plus  even if they could, why bother? Its all worn out. It has to end first and then restructured.

Seems like they are trying to re-structure a new system at the same time the old system is dying of natural causes. Or was it killed on purpose via Media and virus to hasten in the new system. The USA economy has sustained a “Chinese water torture” since 1975.

Gold is the end game. And like the end of WW II, they all were tired of it, and wanted to get better fast. That’s how I see it. No sense or need for them to BASH Gold anymore and prolong the tired old 1913 system.

Everybody, I mean the Gold Bugs,  need to forget about the past, because everything is in reverse.

Wall Street laughed at them and happily accepted the gifted cash=Full Circle. Ben’s Legacy. Ben Bernanke … The Mother of MMT. It’s a permanent feature now.

Posted by Richard640 @ 12:14 on August 10, 2020  

A sagacious ZH reader:

It’s so weirdthat these high powered money types are, today, shrieking the end of the world is nigh because Fed monetary policy is too loose and everything in sight is being pumped up in value.‘Fake Value,’ they say. Then they go on and lament that asset prices are artificially too high and out of control. Implied is the Demand for the Fed to Come To Its Senses and end this nonsense.


These articles read almost exactly like the ones that were written circa 2010 – 2014 during the days of QE1 and the first ZIRP experiment, and other gifts of free money to Wall Street. Bernanke’s pioneering days.

But …….

Wall Street was NOT writing those articles. People who were afraid of endless QE combined with endless TARP and endless ZIRP / NIRP were writing them.

Wall Street laughed at them and happily accepted the gifted cash.

Full Circle. Ben’s Legacy. Ben Bernanke … The Mother of MMT. It’s a permanent feature now.It not only won’t end in my lifetime …. It can’t end in my life time or the result will rival EU – Yellowstone after the Euro explodes. Even if the Fed tries to taper, Wall Street will tantrum massively and we will see the return of mysterious liquidity withdrawals that everyone seems so flummoxed about.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.