Years ago when silver was at 3.00 I bought a bunch because all the bottom signals were there …..Shortly after BUFFET bought his big position in Silver ,but it didnt last long because Government knew he had a big following and they threatened him to sell his Silver and he did.. SO he bought a JEWELRY company since it wouldent give him as much attention .I knew what he was doing.. I bought a bunch of Silver a using Foreign Bank ,it was not illegal at that time. ! 1990’s Eventually they passed restricted Laws threatening Banks, they would be banned from the US. SO this Bank tried to steal my Silver by converting my ..1990’sBullion Silver into paper silver ..I noticed they had stopped charging me for storage so I inquired and they said my Silver was in Paper form..and PROVE you own it..!
I did and ordered them to sell it and in the following months I sold it all. and used a credit card to regain my money. Having a Foreign credit card was not illegal . The Bank was British and they were a bunch of crooks ….1990’s Never trusted Banks again…
I wonder if GUbberment will threaten Buffet again to sell his GOLD Stock ,maybe not, since its PAPER !