OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by treefrog @ 23:26 on August 24, 2020  

if you go in and re-work the order, you can get a shot at pre-market tomorrow.


Posted by redneckokie1 @ 23:06 on August 24, 2020  

I didn’t know to specify after hours. Thanks for the info.

RNO, 19:43

Posted by treefrog @ 22:52 on August 24, 2020  

did you specify on the order gtc INCLUDING EXTENDED HOURS?  when i forget that detail, my order just sits there until the regular market opens.


Posted by treefrog @ 22:33 on August 24, 2020  

buy the dips, sell the rallies.

Stunning info about how Bat Clap came about.

Posted by Maddog @ 21:29 on August 24, 2020  


AMEN to this!

Posted by silverngold @ 21:21 on August 24, 2020  


Just put this one on and let it soak in as you go about your afternoon or evening. Realize what they are trying to do and then JUST SAY NO!! NO MORE!! NO WAY!! NO HOW! I WON”T COMPLY!

Posted by silverngold @ 20:35 on August 24, 2020  


If we don’t stand up and say “NO”, this is what we get next. So far it’s New Zealand and Australia, with Canada, UK, and USA on deck? Time to say “HELL NO”!!

Posted by silverngold @ 19:47 on August 24, 2020  


Posted by redneckokie1 @ 19:43 on August 24, 2020  

Anybody ever get a fill after hours? I have a buy order in at $.82. The after hours opened at $.66 and traded to $.64. Ameritrade does not show the order filled. Do they wait until regular trading hours to notify?


Wow Wonder Woman kinda looks like

Posted by eeos @ 19:25 on August 24, 2020  

Aunt Jemima rebranded

Well, another lousy day in the gold market!

Posted by diamondhead @ 17:42 on August 24, 2020  

$30 down from the high…again, sigh, still waiting for those elusive big up days. I wouldn’t be surprised if Warren Buffet dumped his shares after it was released that he had bought in.  Ya think it’s too late to buy Apple?  Will we look back on the great rally of 2020? I don’t know…         New plasma treatment for Covid – lets sell gold!                                                  Sorry, I had to vent. Still above 1900 is a wonderful thing!                                        Aloha all, Diamondhead


Posted by goldielocks @ 17:13 on August 24, 2020  


Just putting in a plug for Kamala along with Brother Nathanael who calls them like he sees them.

Posted by silverngold @ 17:09 on August 24, 2020  


I guess you’ll have to copy/paste to open it.


Posted by redneckokie1 @ 16:53 on August 24, 2020  

I just put in a gtc order for NAK at $.82. It gapped much lower and has traded most of the day in the upper part of the range.

Maybe I will get a fill in after hours. I think the downside should be limited after this bloodbath.



Posted by goldielocks @ 16:48 on August 24, 2020  

Yep we need to stand together. You see with current event how easily it is for people to be led though. They will use psychology on people and fear mongering.
There’s nothing abnormal about fearing something but not to the point of being irrational.
They are going to make those who are not just going to line up and take it the uneducated, the spreaders of the disease and so on just like they did to the kids.
Never mind them holding back treatments that can save the people who have it now. Where’s the media complaint about that?
They’re not allowed to point to a conspiracy or agenda going on.
The reason I’m guessing the leaders referring to them is because they have a medical degree behind them they don’t.
However to say they are going to mandate people to take their vaccine or even shutting down the country goes beyond the scope of both parties. So where’s the checks and balances with that? We’re going to have to make it.

goldielocks re 15:10

Posted by Warren @ 16:18 on August 24, 2020  

It has boggled my mind for some time that all our elected representatives appear to the working for appointed chief medical officers of health. They all work for the WHO. Our so-called democracies have been subverted by un-elected “officials”……and we just sit here asking to be saved. Silverngold is right, if we mostly all don’t stand up together and say “no more!!!”, we are screwed.


Posted by goldielocks @ 15:10 on August 24, 2020  

That’s what they’re doing. Trying to wait till there so sick they’re hospitalized and lungs obstructed before doing anything. Its not much different than getting bit by a bat and waiting until you get rabies before treating it then expecting a good outcome. And since when do politicians dictate medical treatment?

Silver rider

Posted by goldielocks @ 15:05 on August 24, 2020  

Sounds like a good protocol and Quercetin flavonoids are scavengers that work as a anti inflammatory.
I like the idea of the nebulizer treatment of Pulmicort too especially to those with respiratory conditions as things can turn bad real quick.


Posted by silverngold @ 14:42 on August 24, 2020  

Here’s another one that exposes and explains what this vaccine agenda is all about. Gene splicing, DNA altering etc. I don’t envy anyone who tries to give me the “Gates vaccine”.  I know I will be ‘much less than cooperative’!!


goldielocks @ 13:52

Posted by silver rider @ 14:21 on August 24, 2020  

covid-treatment-2 covid-treatment-1

Re Rigged Chinese Yuan and US Dollar Peg Is Clear To See Here,

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:19 on August 24, 2020  


Priced in Gold, the dollar and Yuan are valued the same.

Richard 9:05

Posted by goldielocks @ 13:59 on August 24, 2020  

Thanks, the problem with diet and people is some never learn. The part of their brain controlling their tastebuds fills over the common sense or new learning. They can go through dramatic surgery for something like cancer and go home and go straight to junk food.
I could see if they’re in their last years anyways might as well enjoy it and might even give them more time but otherwise they have plenty of time to relearn but don’t. Some things that might be considered hereditary aren’t really hereditary but cultural or learned habits.

SNG 7:32 ?

Posted by goldielocks @ 13:52 on August 24, 2020  

There is a disease going around. My daughter in laws friends husband died from it, her cousin in ICU, someone at works friend died from it and more people around them tested positive. The problem is they don’t treat them before they go into respiratory distress. Knowing how it can progress you think they would. They want to give you a vaccine we there you get it or would have a problem with it or not but if you get it some states or doctors do nothing to prevent it from getting worse. That’s the bigger problem just to push those vaccines.

Republican National Convention

Posted by silver rider @ 13:38 on August 24, 2020  

Back in March I was elected statewide as a Trump Delegate to the Convention.  I was eagerly anticipating attending the convention, however due to the covid restrictions I wasn’t allowed to attend the convention.  But you can join my watch party and see the convention if you like.  President Trump just finished addressing the convention in an unanticipated appearance.



FYI Smith & Wesson Stock SWBI

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:28 on August 24, 2020  

They restored the S&W name and spun off the accessories section, and gave that a separate ticker. In doing so they gave some of the other ticker free to existing holders. So it dropped the S&W share price I assume by an equal amount. So it looks like a good deal, like a stock split. Also record sales with guns going on.

They removed the S&W name because of Sandy Hook shooting, (idiots) and realized later, it was a mistake. Anybody that wants to buy a gun stock, like S&W does NOT want to buy America Outdoor Brands stock.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.