Short Train
Short Train
That’s the ‘libertarian’ view. Me? I’ve done all the damn research I need to take care of myself and family, and no stupid conspiracy theories will alter that. I won’t take vaccines, either.
wear a damn mask! If you’re such a badass that you don’t need a mask, don’t wear one, no one cares (on Brighteon so click to open)
It’s abominable that they use the word cases. Why do you want to perpetuate such a lie?
I see that part of Hawaii is implementing a most horrendous lockdown.
MASKS DON’T WORK TO STOP A VIRUS. All studies have concluded that masks don’t work to contain a virus. What does seem to work is FEAR. Make the world afraid. Wear your mask. Social distance. Get your vaccine. What we are dealing with IMO is POLITICS as that Constitutional Attorney says. I will NOT mask up for this political lie . I won’t be a part of spreading the fear by wearing a mask. I’d much rather stand by my principles based on proven truth than violate them and wear a mask which would represent their lie and help spread their fear. USE YOUR COMMON SENSE!
“buy gld and slv”
Yeah they probably will. Later the smarter ones will buy the real thing and the shares.
even with the USD flat.
If pensions do begin buying pm’s should get exciting although no doubt they’ll buy GLD and SLV.
It’s gonna be a meme I tell ya! It’s the coming thing! 🙂
Gold and silver strong out of the gate tonight.
I simply report the officially reported number of positive tested cases that our state health dept. reports. I understand that the PCR test is NOT covid-specific… includes the common cold, flu, and even ebola. The PCR detects ALL coronaviruses. There IS a specific influenza test, however, and people who present with symptoms are tested for flu specific. If not flu… then the COVID test is administered and comes up positive.
The FACT is that many people are getting sick with a respiratory disease and it is spreading. You may argue with the numbers and methods, but it is the best we have for testing mass numbers of people. Yes, our ‘overlords’ are taking advantage of it to the fullest, but To deny that the disease exists at all is to be ignorant of the facts plainly apparent to those who will see. Here’s another fact: Hawaii’s hospitals are now at nursing capacity with an influx of acute respiratory disease. And the hospital admissions rate tracks the number of positive covid test increases. So the positive tests give an accurate estimate of how many of those people will wind up in the hospital with acute SARS…. ‘sudden acute respiratory syndrome’.
For those of you rebels who chafe at wearing a mask… that’s your personal choice, I guess. I do know that a mask provides some degree of protection, and I choose to wear mine in any public setting to protect myself, and my elder care family. If I see a person without a mask, I give them MUCH more than six feet of distance, especially in an air-conditioned building setting that tends to contain and spread the virus locally.
At the entrance to a store the other day I saw a person jerk down their mask and sneeze in the open. I turned around in the parking lot and fled.
Maybe somebody DOES have the BALLS to stand up and be heard.
5% of $16 Billion isn’t exactly chump change, especially if some of the other states follow suit.
I guess we can only imagine if the pensions around the country are just getting started.
I’ll take gold for $100 Alex….
It was posted prominently that masks are required as of yesterday, August 29, so I was expecting some resistance for not wearing a mask….but there was NONE, nobody posted at the entrance and no hassles or confrontations in the store. Most of the shoppers were complying and wearing masks but a few were not……so I have adopted a new policy which I tried on all those I could find without masks in the store. I simply approached each one and said “Thank you for NOT wearing a mask”, gave them a smile, and we continued with our shopping. I got NO negative feedback and several “you’re welcome”s and lotsa big smiles.
Hey, it’s gotta start somewhere!!
Why do you continually regurgitate the lie that those numbers represent cases?
And we all know even actual tests often return false positives.
Further, I don’t know about in Hawaii, but in many places people have been reported as having received a positive test who weren’t even tested — complete fraud.
Additionally, many reputable scientific experts in the field have unequivocally stated there is no known method to test for a particular virus.
I see youtube took down the video I posted yesterday. They know if you wake up to the truth this scam is all over. Please watch this one before someone figures how to take it down. TPTB cannot allow you to see or hear the truth. Then pass this on. Thanks!
if it wasn’t for teenagers with guns, we would still be british subjects.
They’re trying to frame this kid in Kenosha for taking out three felons who tried to murder him putting fake news up while blocking any real facts. They also shut down his go fund me page. I will no longer support go fund me as well as many others.
He didn’t bring guns across state lines. He worked there 20 minutes away from his home. Was working as a life guard that day then went to help clean up the mess the mob made at a school before being asked to help protect what was left of a business.
He brought a first aid kit to help render first aid which he did. He was then chased by the mob and was running away from the mob when he was forced to defend himself from his attackers. He even tried to render first aid to the first one before the mob moving in on him so had to run.
$16 Billion Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund Approves A 5% Allocation For Gold really fast, imports bookmarks flawlessly, MIKEY LIKES IT !