My dilemma is I am approaching the age of DIRT, and the things I used to do before breakfast I now have trouble completing before bedtime. but by all accounts I have had a wonderful life. From childhood to teen to young adult to climbing the corporate ladder I had amazing success, because that’s what I wanted. Then at age 30 my cardiologist said “quit or die, the stress is killing you”, so I left an executive position in DC and began making a major lifestyle change, took my young family and went back to the land in BC in the mid 1970’s. I was fortunate to have these health things happen while I was a winner and at the top of my game. My greatest asset is my wife who is a generation younger but it has helped me by trying to keep up. She’s the best.
The thought comes that maybe it’s time to ………………………………………….. (fill in the blank) We all have our own answer. Best to You My Friend from Silverngold!