Vitamins are a individual thing but should pay attention to guidelines. It doesn’t factor in other things like D and how much sun you get, diet, health issues and metabolism. Like some conditions might require more other healthy may need less depending on their diet.
I hadn’t taken supplements in awhile and during regular blood test check up due to thyroid being up my doctor checked my vita D said it was good. Thyroid bring up can affect your bone strength so did tests in that too and okay so far. Women who were child bearing tend to be more at risk anyways. Had a friend take it and hers improved as taking other things without it weren’t helping. Also sedentary life compared to being more active. So once you retire you have to keep active or light weight bearing exercise. Diet isn’t just getting enough of things but things in diets that can pull nutrients like soda or coffee you have to put it back so might need a little more or cut down on the culprit. Enough rest too plus helps your brain. Like right now getting a call when trying to sleep on a medical issue someone taking care of someone is having. So I get up exhausted and somehow my feet just have out I was exhausted felt dizzy on some steps fell over now have a bump on my head so decided to stay awake for awhile. Gir
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