GoldTent Oasis is dedicated to our friend and founder John F. Murphy (Wanka) of Key West, Florida without whom this website would not exist. Gone but never forgotten.
ENTER ~ Post by the Golden Rule. Gentlemanly conduct is the attire of the day. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts DYODD. ~~~~~~~
What is bothering me is this whole “pandemic” has been thoroughly EXPOSED now around the world, and yet in the face of that exposure now by many thousands of doctors, scientists, etc. “they” are going ahead and mandating more and more “second wave lockdowns” when the first wave has been exposed as a fraud that really never happened. WTF?
Time to Fire those mandating these new lockdowns?? or Lock and load?? OR BOTH??
My final thought is: I’d hate to be any one of those who are involved in perpetrating this crime against humanity when they die, for the fruits of their labor will be eternal pain and suffering in the fires of HELL!!
Of course more frequently. I forgot about poor Tony having to pay that virology lab in Wuhon all those millions to create this fantasy virus to infect us all and lock down the world. I can see those mile long lines now with desperate people waiting to get their “free” shot. Do I see more entrepreneurial opportunities here? Must be many ways to capitalize off those waiting in line for the jab. :o?
I think the PTB are going to have a terrible time getting everyone to take the shot. I’m crossing my fingers that enough people will just say NO! If there’s something worth going into the street about I think this is it.
” I can see lotsa happiness in the future world these Fauci/Gates heroes have planned for us. ;o(”
Yeah mass hilarity! but watch out you don’t trip over the dead people.
Wait until we get the Covid-19 “Vaccine”. You’ll be able to add a few zero’s to that number, but it will still be called “acceptable risk” because it saved humanity from…… contracting a virus that was about as serious as the common cold? Right!! But at least the vaccine survivors will be good little robots and be programmed to return each year for their “vaccine booster”. I can see lotsa happiness in the future world these Fauci/Gates heroes have planned for us. ;o(
in Philadelphia ..Hispanics & Blacks are TIRED of being victims of RIOTERS egged on and encouraged by Democrats who turn a Blind EYE on them.. for what think is Political advantage .Blacks & Hispanics are tired of being Democrats sacrificial vote getters and getting their neighborhoods burned down .They finally got Smart and dont need handouts anymore for their votes .Having a JOB gives then Freedom and now they KNOW it ! Go ahead and RIOT Philadelphia and watch what happens on election day !
In the early morning hours on Saturday, U.S. military forces rescued an American held hostage by a group of armed men in northern Nigeria, the Pentagon announced. No U.S. military personnel were injured in the raid
a Renaissance will begin for America …all the Corruption in the Swamp ,the FBI.,the CIA Washington will be exposed and discredited as will the Corrupt MEDIA . Trump is their Tsunami .
“The DemoRat Party CNN and the Fake News are in a panic and are very desperate cause their internal polling is showing that Trump is 5 points ahead in California and 60% of blacks will be voting for Trump and 70% of Hispanics will be voting for Trump and Trump will win in a landslide 50 states on Nov. 2020.”
If Trump were to win California, that would truly make Nov. 3rd a day of celebration.
It should be declared a national holiday “Trump’s Day”
Watching Lou Dobbs this am, he has Pollster Rasmussen on who thinks at this point Biden wins but Trump could maybe pull off a miracle.
I can’t even imagine what Nov. 4th will look like if Biden wins.
60 million ballots were mailed out, only 35 million have been returned vs. 33 million at the same point in 2016. After all the hullabaloo, the Dems have marginally increased their turnout from 2016 in advance. No large minority turnout means no wave election. And minority votes are splitting at greater numbers for Trump.
Trump wins Florida, early by YUGE margin. The night is over for Biden thereafter. The looks on the faces of the FCC licensed Fake News anchors will be the same as Tom Brokjaw’s the night President Reagan ran the table on pitiful Walter Mondale in 1984.
Indeed this seems to be the focus of the MSM. Completely anecdotal evidence to be sure, the women in my immediate sphere, i.e. collegues/neighbors who voted for President Trump in 2016 are still voting for President Trump in 2020.
In addition, several typical Democrat voters in the neighborhood in past elections, have Trump yard signs for this cycle.