Yes I’m aware and was warned young of that fact. It was more of a direct warning you run out of food and stop feeding them could tear your arm off. Like democrats ? Normally I wouldn’t even encourage the wild to trust humans as you know there’s bad ones out there as well as presenting a problem causing fear to humans and death to them.
What I did was give the mom a bit spread it around and got away before she got done eating. I also learned they must have a communication system because other bears came after me and only me looking for food even bigger than her and you should of seen the claws on one of them sheesh.
That’s sad about the man who got killed.
There was a older man who feed two young bears don’t know the story of what happened to the mom north of me 5 Lbs of meat every day. Then one days he walked into a biker bar with Hells Angles and told them to F off. He was later killed that night on his way home. The two growing bears were them in trouble. They had no one to feed them and came looking around for people to give them killed. The person who told me about it said they’re going to have to shoot the bears. Of course I spoke up there had to be another way. Same for injured animals in these fires. It’s different I suppose between feeding a bear who can get food and one who you make dependent on it although neither is a good idea.
That’s the injustice to the bears or any wildlife if they don’t learn how to feed themselves and the paths the mother teaches to find food before winter. The man should of looked for help for the babies when they were young. I don’t know if he did or not.