I didn’t see this. I only saw it on my phone barely made out the small cat at first. It was strange they were by the road I thought. What you said makes sense.
I didn’t see the female crouched maybe didn’t want to mate was in a defense position maybe in heat and he tracked her down. Just guessing.
I’m just glad it was a grown man not a kid on that road.
Your right with cats they will lay in wait and pounce from behind. He was smart facing the cat and careful not to trip and fall. They can be quick and quiet. One guy was riding a bike Years ago and I think it was a mountain lion was waiting from above and pounced in him. Luckily he had a helmet and a knife.
A family was going to a water hole to in another place can’t remember where and through thick brush and trees moving down a hill and their little girl disappeared. Luckily they moved fast a cat can’t remember if cougar or mountain lion got her and luckily it bit into the pillow on the life jacket she had on behind her neck instead of her neck and got her away from the cat with non life threatening injuries.