In my view that type of news is going to grow. It fits with my view of a major reversal of the past after 2008. And after Bernier Madoff got caught, I told everyone, “If you have been “getting away” with something you should NOT have, you better stop” because its all in REVERSE. Look at the Trump re the FBI the JUSTICE dept getting away for decades, and all the other nonsense.
Anyway, all these various foreign countries that have “Stranger Corporations” taking advantage and operating, or taking Gold out of their back yards, are getting SMART. Just like woman’s and gays rights etc, states rights? Now we are seeing “countries rights” and getting up on THEIR hind legs.
Bottom line? We need to pay attention to which country our gold miner is taking Gold away from. “Global Corporations Rights” are going to go out the window over time. In fact that trend has already started.
Because of a lot of status quo anger in countries that have lost because of “free trade”. Many complaints from Americans, and ZERO complaints from Chinese people for example. In fact it may be time for Americans to start looking at what foreign countries are taking gold out of OUR ground and taking it away. Can you imagine taking permits away from Canadian miners in the USA or charging them more??
Hey we all knew Buffett bought the top, and not only THAT? He picked the crappiest miner available. LOL.