IMO Trudeau is a traitor and a globalist as MetalsGuy just said. If there are Chinese troops here it will be because if they are building internment camps in every province in Canada for the purpose of removing all who refuse to be vaccinated with the CV 666 chip, they will need a foreign “force” to do the job. There is no way local police would do it but Chinese troops would have no such compunction or hesitation.
My hope and prayer is that all the above is bullshit thinking, but there has been enough happen lately to make me think it might all be credible. Just the fact that this virus non event the world has just lived through is now gonna have a second wave, when the first wave was based on false death certificates and hype and fear, so that the entire world can get the mandatory Gates jab, leads me to think the above is well within the realm of possibility.
And my last paranoia is that last year the Seattle Space Needle was supposed to go down on November 3rd. Well, guess what November 3rd is this year? I know, just another coincidence.
My Silverngold wishes to all, but remember the Boy Scouts motto? BE PREPARED!