Good things have been happening all my life too. So many that you’d be calling me “Windy” if I started trying to list them all here. What I have learned is that when one door closes another one opens. Everything happens for a reason. Everything we do, say, feel, or even think has an influence on the entire world. We are all connected in some way impossible to explain. We see it here all the time on the Oasis. One cross word changes the entire feeling of those who read it and influences what each says or does to or for someone else, and that affects that person, and on and on.
Bottom line for me is I have had the most wonderful life I could ever have imagined. It is because I made my life myself. I learned as a child There ain’t no free lunch! Every experience I’ve had has helped to form the person I am, and frankly, sometimes I didn’t like that person so I had to work to correct that flaw. Life all comes down to the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you! What goes around comes around. And the harder you work the luckier you get. My life has become Silverngold