made a very astute observation one day..Someone asked if Russia would invade the USA ?
NOT very likely ! ha answered…..WHY ? because the all got GUNS……!
Black lives Matter and Antifa had better take note if they think they can take over the USA …..
ASK PUTIN ! for advice … I have noticed that theres not a GUN available or ammo except those costing thousands of DOLLARS ..They are SOLD OUT ! every where you look ….SO if ANtifa wants to challenge the peaceful citizens because they haven’t” reacted with force yet …DONT mistake “Peaceful” for “Weakness” .Beware the wrath OF A PATIENT MAN .. After the Election ,they have nothing to lose…..and they got all the GUNS…Americans will let Democracy work,if it dont they will return to a Republic as the FOUNDERS did.. there will be no more sacrificing the individual rights for the supposed “COMMON GOOD” ….. They will bring back the REPUBLIC and they got the GUNS to do it. There will be no MORE “MOB RULE” which is what Democracy really is. The “BILL of RIGHTS” TRUMPS MOB RULE …