why they cant stop the viris..Its Trumps fault …He acted too late…He acted too soon….He didnt do enough…Where is their plan? their plan is to blame Trump ! That solves that problem… Republicans try to solve problems…Democrats look for somebody to blame…Shut downs are killing the Economy ,blame the virus ! Dont find a way to get people to work at home,just blame somebody or something …They talk words designed to placate you long enough for them to find someone to blame .. Dont expect Dems to solve anything they’ll start a WAR to distract you ….The Russians did it ..the Russians did it…
Trump was un American ,he wont help us in the transition ,if we fail it’ll be his fault . (Trump got nothing when he started out and not one single vote of support for 4 years .Why should he make them look good ? ) Show us how smart you Dems are ..figure it out for yourself… like he had to do…