They can be hacked and tracked including children in the wrong hands.
I remember my daughters father in law and his wife mention how depraved people can get. He was a Chaplin and missionary who’s had prayer groups everywhere even with the Government here before Newsom. They left for north Washington State.
He recently passed last week of lung problem he picked up while missionary work in Brazil and never smoked.
When he was in Brazil they were at a stop light. Some men came up to a car stopped in front of them with a machete and cut this poor mans hand off just to get his gold wedding ring. Wcs that could happen with a chip.
Who know what immune response they could set off beside the Gov wanting to know everything about everyone.
PLEASE don’t walk on by this one. PLEASE!
The mkt I find most confusing is the SM….with all the Great Reset madness being enacted all over the World and if Biden is gonna get the Whitehouse, u too will get it all….the SM should be falling apart….that it ain’t stinks of the Rig….unless it see the Donald staying put…then it would make sense, because Biden will be an economic nightmare.
they should bottom before the metals in a perfect world.
Maybe the markets are finally taking a look at Biden’s cabinet pics and Yellen in treasury and thinking not so good.
Maybe none of it matters a wit.
Love the Trucker story……that is what is needed…..hope it’s true.
Looking for record new Hi’s
Also have an E waver going long looking for plus 2100.00
Next thing Yellen will be waving a red flag with the hammer and sickle!
ATAC Questions Yukon Government Process After Tote Road Permit Denied
In PA and elsewhere
Interview of General McInerney and Michael Flynn
…looks like the truckers are organized and serious.
Breaker breaker good buddies…break their effing backs.
Cheers all
7 come 11 Baby needs a new pair of shoes!
Families say valued possessions still missing years after bank emptied their safety deposit boxes
Aztec Reports Additional Six Drill Holes from Tombstone Project, Arizona Including 1.01 gpt Gold Equivalent Over 48.8 m
Bonterra Intersects 14.3 g/t Au over 2.1 Metres at Gladiator
Do not placate, tolerate; exterminate!!!!
Guns, Drugs and Viral Content: Welcome to Cartel TikTok
Mexico is set to shatter another murder record, but that grim reality is nowhere to be seen on the TikTok videos that go viral by showcasing drug cartel culture.
…you cannot continue to enable them. No, I’m not talking to the idiots who speculate in PM ETF’s – I will leave that conversation for another day.
Today I am talking about your ‘dumb phones’.
You need to replace your dumb phones with basic phones that the technocrats cannot exploit. (and trace you with)
If enough people did this it would shut the bastards down.
You either shut them down – or they will shut you down.
And get off leftist social media venues (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) – they are just as bad as the dumb phones.
They will be coming for this site next.
See here (your tax dollars are hard at work here folks because you fund the UN – you are funding your own demise – stop being stupid)
Mornin all
Sure would like to see a spike down bottom this am in everything pm’s and then an intraday reversal higher to confirm the bottom.
Clearly most of the shares are oversold GLD and SLV are there, so we should hopefully be ripe for a bottom soon.
Problem as we all know is that this stuff can stay oversold for months if not years.
Given the action in the USD though, we shouldn’t be selling off at all.
GT Gold Reports Third Quarter 2020 Financial Results
Galiano Gold Provides Miradani North Exploration Update
K92 Mining Announces Latest High-Grade Drill Results at Kora, Including 9.80 m at 84.92 g/t AuEq
the current cycle is up until its not…