Leftists Suggest “Re-Education Camps”, “Firing Squads”, & Banning Talk Radio To “Deprogram” 75 Million Trump Supporters
Leftists Suggest “Re-Education Camps”, “Firing Squads”, & Banning Talk Radio To “Deprogram” 75 Million Trump Supporters
The problem with FAUCI is, he’s a government employee and gets paid for not seeing patients .STOP his Government check and give him nothing until he has to go to work seeing patients and see how FAST .he wants them all go back to work instead of shutting down everything.
Same for Senators and Governors ,stop their Government checks and see how fast they open up the economy ! When the people cant work, stop Governors paychecks at the same time ! Watch what happens !
Wealth is created by individuals and businesses working for their own gain, to the benefit of society overall. The job of the government and the central bank are simply to create the conditions necessary for people to prosper. They are not doing a very good job at it, judging by the price of gold.
The incentive to prosper for ones self interest is what creates wealth for all ,it is the antithesis of Communism .Communism promises you gain by living off someone else labor ,give them your support and they promise to take from the productive and give it to you ,they succeed until there’s no one left willing to be productive and everybody wants to receive .They all descend into poverty.
Printing money for a basic income takes from the productive any incentive to work and spreads the income so they all receive until, no one wants to work …what for ? The money loses its value,it no longer represents anything tangible ,when nobody worked for it. example: my brother in Law wanted an employee to work on Saturday paying overtime ,so he gave him a raise as incentive ,so what happened was now the guy didnt show up on Friday either ; because he now made enough to live on in 4 days instead of 5 ..forget about coming in on Saturday altogether…!
Thanks for that!
Do you remember all the parking garages with emergency rations/supplies stacked around the edges?
Looking back, it is amazing that that stuff wasn’t stolen the first day.
As I can remember, it was there for years.
They conference today with Trumps lawyers. He talked about some lawyers that quit a question from the rude news and he said it was because they were being harassed and had death threats. That they had no cases yet as fake news was spreading they lost some cases.
The computers were not only from Venezuela and foreign enemies but also one had ties to Soros and basically Trumps enemies were counting our votes. Our votes were being outsourced to foreign enemies.
Also China has a presence there too.
Moggy is a amazing and wise person. She’s already prepared for things to come. Conservatively not money bound but to be comfortable so she don’t have to go out either. She is the most independent 80 plus won’t say her age person I know.
Then if you want to delve a little deeper, Look into electromagnetic radiation, the latest of which is 5G which coincidentally they rolled out at exactly the same time in Wuhan China when the people fell dead in the streets from the virus. And it’s the same 5G that was activated in every country and major city where all the Covid-19 deaths took place. Yeah, I know, it’s just a coincidence that 5G Electromagnetic radiation also creates oxygen deficiency and produces the same symptoms as this Covid-19 virus that nobody has ever seen. (Because maybe the virus doesn’t even exist??) Maybe?? Ya think???
Maybe this world pandemic is all bullshit?? Using the magicians trick to get the world to look at one hand while they perform the trick with the other?? Nobody can be that stupid, right?? THEN OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!!
We’re seeing the same kind of thing now.
They’re giving the Fake Press hell….lovely to see.
Come-on people. It’s short and totally easy to understand. Watch it, wake up, and pass this on. PLEASE!
“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson.
My guess is that all these mkts are too dangerous to call here, until the election is sorted…..Trump shud win, but the mts have priced in Biden.
Good to see some nerves kreeping in about a poss Donald win, in some places..v early…but stats don’t lie that badly.
One I saw ystdy was the Vote tally was up 15 %, on 2016….. Trump got 16 % and Biden got 23 % more than Hellary….go figure…..
In 2006 George Soros Funded a Project to Elect Progressive Liberals to Secretary of State Offices — Now You Know Why
(Natural News) Quarantining people based solely on a “positive” PCR test is no longer lawful in Portugal, thanks to a court decision ruling the test to be inherently unreliable, and thus fraudulent for policy-making purposes.
Citing Jaafar et al. 2020, the court determined that the PCR test produces varying results depending on an individual’s viral load, as well as on the number of cycles used. In its conclusion, the court wrote that:
“… if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the U.S.), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.”
The case in Portugal came about after four people were forcibly quarantined by the Regional Health Authority (RHA). One of these individuals received a PCR test, while the other three were deemed to have undergone “a high risk of exposure.”
The RHA decided that all of them were “infectious” based on the circumstances, mandating that they go into forced isolation for the prescribed two-week period that most governments seem to be utilizing.
These individuals sued for fraudulent science and won, setting a precedent for the PCR test to hopefully be discarded as pseudoscientific quackery, which is exactly what it is.
Even The New York Times told the truth by revealing that most people who test “positive” using a PCR test are actually negative and healthy.
Testing data collected from Massachusetts, New York, Nevada and elsewhere show that upwards of 90 percent of people who test “positive” with a PCR test are perfectly normal and disease-free.
The “Dominion” of Election Fraud? … Exposing the Dominion Voting Machines.
The “Dominion” of Election Fraud? … Exposing the Dominion Voting Machines.
Clayton County Georgia
Iran Just Activated Formerly Banned High-Tech Uranium Centrifuges At The Same Site Trump Considered Attacking
Integra Intersects 24.20 g/t Gold and 655.06 g/t Silver Over 7.62 m 400 m North of 2019 Drilling at War Eagle
Mawson Drills Further High-Grade Gold at Joki East in Finland Intersects 1.6 Metres @ 19.2 g/t Gold
Wallbridge Intersects 5.07 g/t Au over 100.6 metres, including 29.03 g/t Au over 7.30 metres in the Tabasco-Cayenne Zones
Sokoman Minerals Cuts Two High-Grade Intervals at Eastern Trend, Moosehead Project, Central Newfoundland: 4.6 m at 47.2 g/t Au and 8.1 m at 68.7 g/t Au
Marathon Gold Reports Additional Berry Drill Results, Valentine Gold Project
Ascot Discovers More High-Grade Gold in the Day Zone
Skeena Intersects 5.29 g/t AuEq Over 56.34 Metres in 22 Zone Infill Drilling at Eskay Creek
Fosterville South Receives Final Approval of the Court for Spinout of Leviathan Gold Ltd. Shares to Fosterville South Shareholders
It’s clear it’s time to act. Dr. Scott Atlas says it’s time to act – that the people must rise up. He is one of Donald Trump’s counter-agents in the matrix leading the fight against the frauds that are accelerating past COVID.
Get involved people — get out and fight for your rights.
Fund those working on your behalf. You know who they are.
Make no mistake – the people can win this fight against the commies running the government (entrenched politians and bureaucrats on the global banker payroll) – but we must act now.
Truckers are stepping up to the plate soon.
Let them be your exemplar.
If you don’t want what is happening in Germany RIGHT NOW to happen to you — ACT.
Mornin all
What to do?
Seems like the vaccine news coupled with USD stability and rising rates are a huge headwind for now.
Unfortunately, this feels like the same long drawn out corrections we’ve seen for years.
Not for Bitcoin though. Unbelievable.
why they cant stop the viris..Its Trumps fault …He acted too late…He acted too soon….He didnt do enough…Where is their plan? their plan is to blame Trump ! That solves that problem… Republicans try to solve problems…Democrats look for somebody to blame…Shut downs are killing the Economy ,blame the virus ! Dont find a way to get people to work at home,just blame somebody or something …They talk words designed to placate you long enough for them to find someone to blame .. Dont expect Dems to solve anything they’ll start a WAR to distract you ….The Russians did it ..the Russians did it…
Trump was un American ,he wont help us in the transition ,if we fail it’ll be his fault . (Trump got nothing when he started out and not one single vote of support for 4 years .Why should he make them look good ? ) Show us how smart you Dems are ..figure it out for yourself… like he had to do…