Great videos!
I’m using the links, will post on Gab.
Both presentations were really level, even toned, and worth watching.
Maybe a few dots need to be connected?? FWIW!
I don’t blame Moggy if she is laying low during these unprecedented times. Absent our dear Moggy to provide some Astro insight, I found this very good report. Chaotic times ahead! Strap in!
Irrefutable proof the election was stolen from Trump.
Read it a weep scum…see here…you got caught.
Cheers all
Glad to see Maya is o.k. and that those evocative train pics are once again visible in my mental health cabinet!
Otherwise, I’ve got a video link to a pretty good recap of what’s going on regarding voter fraud.
Pretty detailed report, along with other tasty nuggets. About 25 minutes.
If the votes can’t be counted properly then how long is our system of government going to last?
Not long I’ll wager. Banana Republic here we are.
…the Russians to count the votes for now on…apparently Americans are too corrupt.
Right you are…I’m so disgusted.
Have a nice day.
“There’s no way the bastards could be that self-absorbed and stupid.”
Evidently there IS a way! I would say “arrogant” too. LOL
Oh yes that’s shocking…that must be a mistake.
It’s either that or they think their constituents are the barnyard animals in ‘Animal Farm‘.
I couldn’t see that happening at any level of government anywhere.
There’s no way the bastards could be that self-absorbed and stupid.
Breaking News: Washington lawmakers reportedly at Hawaii conference as residents are urged not to travel
That’s Washington State.
Yeah I know, they were born way after the wars and never met the people who fought them or what they went through.
Meanwhile we have to watch the ones that are involved in it. These lefties don’t care because they think they’re doing the right thing. It’s like stocks in away. Stocks might not be making money but going up on sympathy of ones that are in the same sector. Worse here the ones going up aren’t doing so great either but somehow they are perceived to be doing good through fake news. So there just following along buying into the ponzi scheme because they’re made to believe the sector that’s actually doing better is worse. So the sell the stock making money for the stock they think is gonna make them money but it’s a ponzu scheme. Like real estate or oil pre 08 till it imploded.
What Trump has opened so many eyes is apparently the whole system is involved in this communism Ponzi scheme. No one but a few to hold them accountable and only one Trump to stop them. That this Ponzi scheme is not just limited to their state or country but there are foreign players involved including the UN. These people can’t see past their local towns and fake news.
I’ll second yr …Take no vaccine.
Haven’t read much on it, but I gather it causes the body to create antibodies, as do other vaccines, but does so while changeing yr DNA in every cell.
Over here they intend to make life impossible if u don’t take it, u will need it to travel/work etc and to vaccinate the entire country twice a year…estimated cost £ 100 billion…they have gone insane.
Make sure Trumppy wins, or China Joe will do the same.
Teranga was very good to me. Bon Voyage!
When you have a genocidal maniac offer a vaccine I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t take it. Setting aside Gates’ comments about a pandemic two and getting our attention with that one for the moment. Most billionaires like Gates are genocidal maniacs, Soros thinks he’s god and Ted Turner, I thought he died years ago and went to hell, want to kill seven billion people. So taking a vaccine funded in whole or part by these goddamn lunatics is not advisable. Do what you want but I’ll take my chances with a virus that over 99% of infected recover from it.
…if you do…like the people of Denmark…only then will your freedoms and rights be maintained.
It’s everything.
Cheers all