OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 12:29 on November 8, 2020  

Besides the hacked software it looks like they need to move these poll counter places to different areas as well as out of reach of crooked overseers otherwise you have the inmates running the asylum. It’s like watching a chop shop working in plain site. I think there is enough evidence to now to make that happen. There already was but as one person said no one did anything about it. It’s past time they do something about it.

I know people are angry and feeling cheated (with good reason)

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:21 on November 8, 2020  

but if we want to keep the Oasis a going concern then threats of violence against “elected” officials are not a good idea.


Buygold 11:31

Posted by aufever @ 12:09 on November 8, 2020  

Maybe give us a list, and let us each pick our top three. 🙂

I’d say what we are seeing is a master chess player at work. Too many things happening that are out of character.

Posted by silverngold @ 12:08 on November 8, 2020  

Just suppose Trump is just giving them enough rope to hang themselves. They are already putting their heads in a noose with their over confidence that they have won….and while they are hi-fiving each other for their “victory”, Trump and his team are hard at work quietly collecting evidence that will hang them all.

I mentioned before that it seemed “out of character” for Trump to be so silent in the face of the mounting illegal ballots that were still being submitted, all for Biden, and making it appear there was no chance Trump could ever win…. so he would just throw in the towel and give up. Hey, some/most of us here know we are right and won’t give up.  We know it’s not over ’till it’s over!

Just suppose that FOX News is in on this sting and has been asked by Trump to appear to have changed sides and give the Biden crooks more confidence in their attempted coup to make it even easier to be caught?

Just suppose this is all about cleaning out the whole swamp at the same time, thus giving Trump a clean and clear path this time to make America great again.

DON’T GIVE UP ON TRUMP!  IMO He’s a national treasure of ……………………Silverngold!

rephrasing lines from A Few Good Men

Posted by aufever @ 11:34 on November 8, 2020  

Don’t worry about the doctor[ed results]. This trial [battle] starts on Monday.


Posted by Buygold @ 11:31 on November 8, 2020  

Too funny. Would be hard to put all the choices in one poll.

The only thing I know is that “we the people” cannot let this stand.

Trump won this in a landslide.

Here’s Blagojevich as Ororeef mentioned earlier.


The biggest question

Posted by aufever @ 11:22 on November 8, 2020  

Who should be executed first?

So many choices…

Maybe a poll? 🙂


Posted by Buygold @ 10:55 on November 8, 2020  

Where are the Republicans who owe Trump everything, including their re-elections. Not only did the strong showing for Trump cause none of the House members to lose their seats, but it helped them to gain seats. He helped Lindsay Graham across the finish line among others.

The fact that Republicans won seats in the House and held seats in the Senate supports the election fraud narrative. Trump actually won this election in a landslide.

They stole it from him using corrupted Dominion Software and fraudulent mail in ballots. A lot more will come out about Dominion and who owns them and who is on their board of directors in the coming days. Unfortunately, it won’t come from FOX News, who is no longer a trusted source of information.

The hardest part about fighting this for Trump will be getting the message out to supporters, because FOX will no longer do it. I saw that Jeanine Pirro’s show was suspended because they wouldn’t let her get the message out.

Where are the Republican House and Senate Members – Especially McConnell and Lindsay Graham out there defending Trump??

Good article from Luongo

Posted by Buygold @ 10:30 on November 8, 2020  

Livid Luongo Lashes Out At Democrat “Depravity” Playing Out In Real-Time

It is one thing to know your opponents have no soul. It is quite another to watch in real time their depravity play out with gleeful disdain…

Couple of snips:

  • At around 2am Tuesday evening I realized that they were actually going to do this and I texted a friend the next morning. His response?

         “Civil war it is then.”

         There can be no other response to this from men and women of character. Exhaust every legal means possible, certainly, but remember that the courts are as corrupt as the county governments. Fear of reprisal makes men weak

  •   The legal case is being built now to go to the State Legislatures,(Republican) who are the ones who actually decide whose electors go to the Electoral College, and invalidate the votes in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan, at a minimum.   

Well Son Of A Gun

Posted by commish @ 9:41 on November 8, 2020  

safe_image-php Hunter Biden joins his father on stage last night.  Photo from the Daily Mail UK.

Ororeef @ 0:28

Posted by Captain Hook @ 8:58 on November 8, 2020  


You need to get to the point of realizing there are worse things than death.

A vote for Sleazy Joe is a vote for:

  • Bringing the wars back
  • Higher oil prices
  • Higher taxes
  • Losing your job
  • Crashing stocks/economy
  • Increased censorship
  • Gun confiscation
  • Lockdowns forever
  • Contact tracing
  • Wearing the mask
  • Forced vaccination
  • Communism – the US will be a de facto Chinese state
  • Your death

Yup…I’m voting for that alright. I’m going to live with that agenda.

Thanks Sleazy Joe…you da man.

No wonder you won.

Move along.


Oh yes…I almost forgot…a vote for Sleazy Joe is a vote for an endless supply of underage dates for him and his buddies.

How could I have forgotten that?


silverngold @ 23:15 on November 7, 2020

Posted by Ororeef @ 0:28 on November 8, 2020  

Count Me IN !

Democrat sez Dems Stealing Elections a ‘Time-Honored Tradition’ 31,901

Posted by Ororeef @ 0:25 on November 8, 2020  

Rod Blagojevich: Dems Stealing Elections a ‘Time-Honored Tradition’


In the wake of President Donald Trump sounding the alarm on potential voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) on Friday accused Democrats of stealing elections for a long time.

Blagojevich told Newsmax TV’s “John Bachman Now” that Democratic stronghold cities changing vote counts overnight, and controlling polling places is a “time-honored tradition.” He went on to say that Democrats “stealing the presidency” is “incredibly dangerous to our democracy.”

“If the question is are the Democrats stealing votes in Philadelphia, my answer is, ‘Is the Pope Catholic?’ It’s a time-honored tradition,” Blagojevich emphasized. “Big Democrat-controlled cities like Chicago, my hometown, Philadelphia, to do precisely what they’re doing now I’ve never seen such a magnitude because this I think is an indication of just how widespread it is, how deep it is. And I don’t think it’s just confined to Philadelphia. My instincts, again coming out of Chicago Democratic politics, my instincts tell me it’s going on in Atlanta, it’s going on in Detroit, it’s going on in Milwaukee, it’s going on in Las Vegas. It’s like what Justice Powell said about pornography: You can’t define it, but you know when you see it. And coming out of the Democratic Chicago political establishment, I know how they operate. They control polling places, they stop votes when their candidate’s behind, and then in the wee hours of the morning, in the dark of night, the stealing starts.”

He continued, “And we’ve seen that in big numbers, unprecedented numbers in this election in Michigan and Philadelphia. It’s outrageous, and the fact that they’re doing it with impunity they’re doing it with is because the media is simply looking the other way because they have their corrupt mainstream media that’s not interested in protecting our Constitution or the rule of law. They just want to be Donald Trump at all costs, and they’re not just stealing from Donald Trump. It’s worse than that. They’re stealing from us — the American people.”

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 23:36 on November 7, 2020  


…tiny little…


Buygold …..”this is the time for patriots to fight. I’m old but I’m in regardless.”

Posted by silverngold @ 23:31 on November 7, 2020  

I’m with you on all that, and I think Trump feels the same way. I think we all are saying “from these cold dead hands”, because that is the only way I/we will EVER accept what they are attempting to do to America, and for that matter, to the rest of the world too.

goldielocks @ 21:03 Thanks Goldielocks. That was a welcome encouraging word.

Posted by silverngold @ 23:15 on November 7, 2020  

I have been feeling kinda deserted and abandoned for the past few days so it was good to get an update. I was beginning to think maybe Trump had thrown in the towel, and I wouldn’t blame him if he did, but deep down I know he is a fighter and won’t let America down while he still breathes. What I want to see soon is arrests being made of the treasonous bastards who have orchestrated this Coup attempt against America, and IMO that is what it is. We know that Biden would sell out America for a few bucks….. as he has already done in the past….. and his reward for this making a mockery of and defiling the office of the Presidency should be a 21 gun salute, right through his black heart! REST IN HELL FOR ETERNITY JOE, ALONG WITH EVERY OTHER PERSON WHO PARTICIPATED IN THIS COUP ATTEMPT TO DESTROY AMERICA!!


Posted by goldielocks @ 21:03 on November 7, 2020  

Lee is a human rights atty working with President Trump. Update on what’s going on. FB posting.

Very Good

Posted by ipso facto @ 18:46 on November 7, 2020  


Silverngold, Hook

Posted by Buygold @ 18:26 on November 7, 2020  

There is a time for waiting for results and a time for fighting for them.

I’m still hoping that Trump and his team have fight left in them and will explain the truth of voter fraud for all to see. It will be difficult for him considering the MSM – including FOX has already named Biden winner..

I’m afraid that regardless, this is the time for patriots to fight. I’m old but I’m in regardless.


Posted by commish @ 18:21 on November 7, 2020  

Is at the top of the list along with Texas of producing Natural Gas.  No way they would support the candidates who support anti-fragging . You know what I am saying.


silverngold @ 16:42

Posted by Captain Hook @ 17:17 on November 7, 2020  

I know how you feel…we are all being gaslighted and the stakes are huge…your freedom.

Unfortunately trump f*cked up underestimating the psychopaths in charge…so now it will likely need to get messy.

The Supreme Court will not support the people in the end so don’t expect anything good from them. They are glorified bureaucrats so they will vote the party-line in spite of irrefutable evidence of blatant election fraud.

So now, in order to fix the problem, once the establishment establishes Sleazy Joe, a treasonous and compromised pedophile on the Chinese payroll, Trump will have to get into a real fight — not just pose — because he wants to be elected the President of the United States that was. He is letting the people down by not facing just how compromised America is.

He will have to admit America isn’t what it used to be.

He needs to wake up and take the gloves off…make some arrests etc. — turn the gaslighting on them.

It’s either that or the international bankers will install their global police state and we are all f*cked.

Have a nice day.

Bye America… as we once knew, loved and respected.

Posted by Samb @ 17:07 on November 7, 2020  

Born 1776…..Died 2020.

Captain, I have no problem keeping the faith in Trump and his efforts and intentions to drain the swamp and make America great again…..

Posted by silverngold @ 16:42 on November 7, 2020  

Where I am having trouble is in maintaining ANY faith in the intelligence of many of my Canadian friends and neighbors who have bought the MSM lie…. hook, line, and sinker.

My prayer is that “Gods will be done” and that time will straighten out this mess!  I thank him for giving me an honest intelligent wife who also sees through the corruption and deception. Same for this forum of honest, independent, intelligent, thinking, people Like yourself. It’s a shelter in a time of storm! Hang in there everyone!!



It isn’t over until it’s over

Posted by Buygold @ 16:20 on November 7, 2020  

President Trump and his campaign team have reminded Americans that “legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.”

 As Constitutional lawyer, Jenna Ellis explains: “Joe Biden is not the president-elect just because media declares him so.”


My Comment: At least we know now that FOX news is a part of the Globalist scum as they’ve participated in the Biden presidency hoax.

We can’t let this stand, at least I can’t.

Posted by treefrog @ 16:14 on November 7, 2020  

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.